Thanks to Frederick for a wonderful snapshot of the event and also to the 
postings from other goanet readers who 

Dan Driscoll's posting:

"Poor overworked staff couldn't get my food order straight; I would have been 
starving if not for fact that Tony Correia 
Afonso got through to them for his platter of good fish & chips---so I ate up 
half his stuff." .....

This brought back to me one sunny day I had in Goa. To extend hospitality to 
three of my relatives, I invited them for 
lunch. This was to be at one of the most famous restaurants in Panjim. When we 
got there the restaurant was full with 
no place to sit, so we had to wait for a table for over half an hour. By the 
time we were seated, the food must have run low 
or even out. Anyway, we were given a menu to chose from and after we made our 
choice, the waiter came along to take 
our order. Every time we ordered something, he said "will you be able to wait 
an hour?". In frustration I said to him "so 
what's ready in the kitchen that we can have right now?". "French fries" came 
his reply. 

He obviously was not aware that I had travelled by plane, a journey of three 
Indian full length movies, gone through three 
security checks, one in London and two in Mumbai, carried 40 kgs of presents, 
gone by taxi to his famous restaurant and 
he was offering me "French fries". Did I look French to him?

No guesses what we did eat in the end, "fish and french fries". Okay, "masala 
fish and french fries".

Have I missed something here, a direct swap? Has "Fish and chips" become the 
national dish of Goa the same way 
"curry" has in the United Kingdom?

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

5 January 2012


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