I agree with jose response to my message especially the portuguese government not trusting indian documents. However i would further add to my reply that;

1)Why has the portuguese government not obtain the records of Birth,marriage, death from the respective registrars of Goa, daman & diu and all these years ridiculously wasted in allegations.

Like the british government who left their colonies, they took all the records with them due to which there has been no fraud in getting british nationality.The portuguese governement has not taken any initiative to co-ordiante with the indian government in obtaining records before 1961 as applicable.

2)One cannot consider fraud or fabricated documents as an excuse for delay and it is the duty of the portuguese governement to see that No geniune applicant should suffer.

3) If the records are send for re-verification then it is the duty of the consulate authorities to co-ordinate and liaise with the registrar for the same.

4)Anyone approaching the portuguese consulate is never given the true and correct advice, No PRO, no helpdesk, emails unanswered and confirm replies are never given. Also there is no separate division formed by the portuguese authorities at Lisboa where an individual can express their grievences and directly communicate incase there is no adequate response from the consulate.

We all know that all the foreign consulate's are very meticulous and have a well to do system but this is not the case with portugal.

5)There have been even cases that despite being the original document produced, the consulate ask for more documents and it is always not possible to have all the documents for anybody.

Any articles posted by any journalist should not defer goans in lisboa to help geniune people.

Further Mr Gabe Menezes who is already enjoying the FOREIGN NATIONALITY really do not understand the crisis which is faced by a middle-class indian. It is very easy to cross-question anybody without knowing and experiencing the pains and hardship which a normal poor indians undergoes in india.

I hence feel the necessity to seriously bring this matter to the portuguese ministry as it is high time.


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