Goan kids to aim for the stars

PANAJI: On Saturday, January 8, Goan children with stars in their eyes will 
head to the public astronomical observatory at Junta house in Panaji at 6.30pm 
as the Astro-kids club will be launching their fourth edition. 

The club is the children's branch of the association of friends of astronomy 

''It is open to all children aged between 9 and 15 and aims at inspiring young 
minds to take up astronomy as a hobby or as a serious profession,'' said AFA 
president, Percival Noronha. 

''Every January we innaugurate the club and enroll new members. From January to 
October they have a special 10 month programme where members avail of all the 
fun activities,'' said AFA secretary, Satish Nayak. 
And fun it sure is as explains 13-year-old Attarva Joshi. ''We have workshops, 
films, slide shows, aero modelling, presentations and picnics throughout the 
year and we meet every Saturday. 

The best thing for me is meeting so many people with the same interests. I also 
enjoy going around with my telescope and star gazing and educating the public 
by acting as their guide and imparting whatever knowledge I can.'' 

''We usually focus on a theme set by the Unesco each year. This year is the 
international year of forests so our activities will revolve around it besides 
the usual astronomy related events,'' said Nayak adding that they are supported 
by the department of science and technology and focus on various sciences 
besides astronomy. 

At the moment the Astro-kids club constitutes 350 children from Goa and every 
year the numbers increase, a clear indication that interest in the field is 

''It is great to have young blood in our association and see them enjoying 
while they learn rather than just sitting in front of the idiot box or video 
games. We give them some monetary incentives when they help out at the centre 
or conduct lectures and seminars so they can earn a bit while they learn,'' 
Nayak added. 

It looks like these kids are aiming for the stars quite literally. For other 
interested star-gazers around, the AFA will organize a sky observation program 
for the public on January 9 from 6.30pm onwards at their Mapusa centre, next to 
Bodgeshwar temple. Participants will be able to view Jupiter, the moon and 
other celestial objects through telescopes.



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