As with so many happenings to our existence there is little hope. To be cast
into a psychological darkness --- comprehending less by the day; to see
different blue skies --- to be cast adrift; to search for answers to
questions the other pretends not to understand,  possibly cannot, and not
wanting to--- is when hope starts receding.

The blue sky and bright day,
No more searching around!
"What is the Buddha?" you ask;
With loot in your pocket, you declare yourself innocent.


This is a verse by Mumon from the Mumonkan.
Mu = empty/ open, mon = gate, kan = barrier. (Japanese)
So, a Gateless gate, or a barrier that is not gated; may be seen as a
barrier of the mind.

venantius j pinto

> Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 23:21:28 -0400
> From: John Gomes <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Loot of Artefacts and public propeety
> (DEL)

> I have requested the CM and Chief Secretary and Administration
> in some departments like Electricity,Police to ensure such procedures!
> The inventory is by a thitd party like PWD, responsibility somewhere
> else,the user  generally signs for nothing, and things are easily
> written off. Furniture, curtains,TV sets, expensive cars declared unfit
> and auctioned etc Files go missing are untraceable.You got a hope of
> getting any proof of such "wild allegations" !.
> ------------------------------

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