Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:37:36 +0100
From: "Paulo Colaco Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Posts by a number of authors (me included) are nothing
else but a waste of time, space and bandwidth. Often
our written claims lack integrity,  factual
credibility and in some cases also lack substantial
legal sufficiency, which, in essence and all put
together, leads to most claims, conclusions or
discussions to be unreliable and useless to say the
This is what is wrong with Goanet!
We Goans seem to suffer from lack of detail and
excellence in whatever we write. It is easy to write
rubbish and because we are not used to quality
reading, we tend to contribute with even more rubbish.
Mario observes:
I'm glad you included yourself in the opinion
expressed above, but, in my opinion, you need to take
a deep breath and loosen that kashtie, just a little.
There, I'm sure that feels better:-))
a) You are taking yourself and everyone else too
b) This is a recreational open public forum where
Goans can get together figuratively to let off steam
and speak their mind, kibbitz with their friends,
ridicule their adversaries, have a little fun and
perhaps learn a thing or two.
Those who have better things to do with their time
should get on with it and not post meaningless rubbish
on Goanet:-))  There is enough bandwidth to accomodate
all the rubbish we can come up with, and then some:-))
We may even solve some of Goa's problems, especially
if I can get them to listen to me about how to make
development compatible with Goa's natural beauty and
Paulo wrote:
One thing we can be sure: whatever we write today will
be available for eternity through the internet. Isn't
this scary enough?
Mario observes:
I hope our descendants have better things to do, and
current events to talk about, than to read what was
written by their ancestors on Goanet:-))
When was the last time you looked in the Goanet
archives to see what was written last year, or even
last month for that matter?
Had you looked you may have found some profound 
thoughts, at least under my name, and learned
something - or not.:-))
Paulo wrote:
If not, we ought to introduce factual credibility in
whatever we write or it would be better not to write
it at all.
Mario responds:
In my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own
opinions, ridiculous and misguided as you may think
they are, but not to their own facts.
Freedom fighters the world over have given their lives
so that you can speak your mind.  Some of our
Goanetters in the Gulf don't have that luxury.
Facts, on the other hand, are, by definition, 
verifiable and actual and have an objective reality,
and, if anyone mis-state sa fact, someone on Goanet
will be sure to let them know.
Paulo wrote:
Especially for those who claim to be professional
researchers or academics that surely could do much
better by not having non-factual claims above their
Mario responds:
Now look what you have written - a vague and vapid
generality where we have no idea what you are talking
about.  Some may even call it rubbish, especially the
researchers and academics:-))
To be useful, you will have to cite some specific
examples of their misrepresentations, and let them
respond.  That way we may all learn something.
That's how a forum should work in my not so humble,
constitutionally protected, opinion.

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