Rajan has given us a true no-holds barred analysis of the political situation 
in Goa.
All true, true, true !
But what options do Goans have ?  The utterly corrupt Congresswalahs, the 
clueless and anarchic Aam Admi who are only good at rabble rousing and Manohar 
Parrikar's BJP which has promised a lot, but failed on all fronts this far.  
When the BJP came to power, it was announced that all house taxes would be
abolished.  No idea what prompted this.  The only ones to benefit would not be 
the poor who have older homes and pay a miniscule amount in house taxes, but 
those who built new homes or acquired flats in the new concretized Goa.  In 
2012 when I went to pay my substantial house tax, expecting to pay Rs. 1/- I 
was told that the law had not yet been passed.
In 2013 when I went to pay my Rs. 1/- house tax, I was told that while the law 
had been passed, reducing all house taxes to Rs. 1/- per huose, the law had not 
"notified".  Dont know what this means, but as far as I am concerned this is 
gimmick by politicians. Another broken promise.
This gives credence to the saying by some great person that "Politics is the 
last refuge of rascals"  Very true.  Rascals the whole lot !!!

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