I don't believe all the hype about Sour Sop being a cure for cancer.  However, 
both my wife andI love the taste of Sour Sop.  Lets be clear first -  Sour Sop 
is not the same as Custard apple.They may come from the same family as the 
Custard apple and Bullsheart, but they are definitely a distinct species.
Soursop has the shape of a bull's heart, but is green, even when ripe, and is 
covered by softbarbs.  The taste as the name implies is sweet with a sourish 
tang.  Delicious, at least to me.Perhaps an acquired taste.  I found the fruit 
in Mapusa market this past Friday, and the ladyquoted a price of Rs. 800/-  !  
The hype about being a cancer cure probably inflated the price.
About 6 years ago, while visiting the Dar es Salaam Institute (formerly Goan 
Institute) inDar es Salaam, Tanzania, I found a vendor selling Sour Sop from a 
cart.  I bought two andenjoyed the fruit immensely.  So I saved the seeds and 
brought them to Goa where I planted the seeds on my property.  I must have had 
close to a hundred saplings in a few months.  In the meantime, the word was 
going around about Sour Sop being a super fruit with cancerfighting properties. 
 I planted perhaps a dozen saplings on my property which have now growninto 
young trees, some of which are bearing fruit.  I gave away the saplings to 
anyone who asked.  The progeny of those first fruits are probably all over Goa 
by now. 
One can learn more about the Sour Sop by searching on the Internet.

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