Dear Goanet readers,

Just like Casper the friendly ghost, we have Goanet our electronic Goan spider 
whose web reaches our community all over planet Earth weaving its web 
full of e-information and giving all age groups and occupations the opportunity 
to keep in touch and debate freely. In addition, sharing information long 
before social media sites like Facebook came on the scene (Facebook is an ideal 
picking ground by employers).

Unlike the spider, though, instead of this web seeking prey, it is human and 
has its very own lane on the superhighway that at times picks up litter in the 
form of misinformation that unless one is in the know and alert, readers tend 
to take information as gospel when they read it. 

One such example many moons ago was when I read that the President of 
California was visiting Goa. I was so excited for a moment I thought of a 
motorcade driving down18 June Road on its way to Campal as part of restoring 
the peace between America and India. My dream was shattered when our 
BBC Radio in the United Kingdom announced that Arnold Schwarzenegger was 
standing to be Elected Governor Of California bankrupt at the time. The 
correct news item posted on goanet should have read: the President of the local 
GOA in California was visiting Goa. The youth from this same 
organisation are planning to visit Goa in December this year and I wish them a 
pleasant stay taking back with them many happy memories.

There has been discussion at some length about farming and I would like to add 
that as a young fella I used to go with my cousins just after sunrise to the 
fields. There were seasons when we planted and harvested vegetables. Other 
seasons when we watered tender coconut trees manually drawing water 
from the village well. It was backbreaking but I also found it enjoyable and 
body building. I remember carrying bales of hay on my back for our water 
buffalo who supplied us with milk and tilled the soil. Food, etc was stored 
according to season and everybody was happy. 

All visitors to Goa today may wish to call on Goa Chitra and witness our Goan 
past in its full glory where nearly all farming tools are on display, the blue 
print of the agricultural machinery you see around the world today. Goa Chitra 
is on St John the Baptist Church Road, (near Banaulim) Salcete, Goa, 
403716 Allow at least half a day for your visit. The museum 
is run by volunteers and I am sure any donations would be welcome as 
they strive to preserve Goa's farming heritage. After all, it is our farmers, 
fishermen and cooks that keep us alive.

The Goanet web should not become a victim of its own success where a blizzard 
of information is brought to us at the speed of light as we have the 
opportunity of freedom of speech and debate. The web sometimes does snare 
insects full of misinformation who in time turn out into beautiful butterflies 
only to be gobbled up by the "sapphire turning into diamond" eyed chameleons 
lurking in nearby branches. 

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

10 May 2012

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