Prosperity stems from Goan remittances, straddling on Portuguese culture 
(tourism) and of course the mines! Atleast the East Timorese are in front of 
their own desitny while Goa is neo colonized.
MWhile some of us find it easy to yearn for an independent Goa ruled by a Goan 
elite handed power by the departing Portuguese, what?s to say It would not have 
fallen the unfortunate way of Timor L?Este.

Instead of rampant poverty and hopelessness like in that Pacific country, the 
seizure by India ensured that Goa would become as prosperous as its 1961 

Of course one could say that it was the 25 years of Indonesian occupation that 
ruined Timor after the Portuguese left, but what are the Timorese doing to 
salvage their country now that they have got their own freedom and ability to 
advance their country.

No, looking at the ruffians and crooks governing Goa today, one should be 
shitless thinking of their rule in Goa without the administrative iron hand of 
India keeping the peace.



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