Brazil is in BRICS. Supposed to be 9th economy in the world. Besides beautiful 
girls, samba, bossa nova and football brasil builds planes, cars and has large 
amount of mineral wealth, the amazon and animals.

I Think Gilbert is not well aware of this country called Brazil.
In South America this Brazil is very poor country. It is not at all
developed like any other Portuguese speaking countries like Portugal and
Spain in Europe and even Portuguese colonies including Angola and
Mozambique in Africa.
This Brazil is well known for Carnival and Cabaret is very famous where
dances, prostitution is at high level. I dont think they can afford to
offer any help to any country in the world but people go to this country
for enjoyment and fun. People are very loving and especially girls are
beautiful and with full entusism.
I wonder how our Indian government invited President of Brazil forĀ  the
Republic day celebration? In exchange may be our Prime Minister might get
the offer? Who knows!


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