I am not prejudiced and rubbish anything that works for me because right
from my school days in Pune we had a chemist Kalidas with stuff of local
cures manufactured and also giving advice free. My football
fractures/injuries, and neighbors/friends besides grandmothers cures,
availed of this service, even for jaundice and other diseases quickly and
permanently cured and at very low costs! I am a science graduate and now
have Google/ books for reference. Best to have an open mind besides have
been using the services of other than allopathic doctors recommended by my
friends and neighbors to effect cures without any pills or injections or
operations which I may have had to have otherwise. No false hopes, quack
cures but building and reliance on your own fantastic immune system system
that can cure almost aything given the proper boost/chance.  I do not
believe in Homeopathy since it has not worked for me!

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