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agree with both Julian Gonsalves and Melinda Coutinho Powell. The part about
imposing a code of conduct is not asking much. Its essentially about
approaching Goanet with respect for ones fellow man/woman. All this raag,
chidd, piddhar korop is taking us away from sovostkai, urba, and khuxalponn,
and these are very real possibilities and a Goan birthright I might add.
Arguments are fine, and there will be times when they will get heated. Ideas
have to be argued so the stronger ones rise to the surface. In allowing for
this, we learn, or at least those who are willing to and those who need to.

Although, I do not comment often, Goanet helps me pick up the Goan pulse, or
perhaps a singular pulse—if I may be allowed to say so. This helps me
develop the side of me that holds me together and through which I may yet
contribute. I have always believed that we Goans, are are still in
adolescence, and the luckier for that, since we still have the opportunity
to form ourselves. I mean this in all areas. Getting provoked is a sign that
we are not ready for what the world is throwing at us. There re many who
excel at doing just this—provoking others. Think at what that frustration
brings to oneself and when how that energy enters into the family. The train
has left the station! We too have to move on.

Information has to be factual or at least stem from myth or legend that one
may mull or contemplate over. If one understands the depths of any material
or has successfully plumbed it; why not share it. Not just share for the
mere sake of sharing, but share it so your humanity may spark just that
little bit. It should not be about extending mere courtesies but in that we
are led to graciousness and civility. The former is a word we do not much
encounter these days. The other resonates with the ideas of national being
and acceptance.

Seeing and understanding are two critical faculties. But it is in seeing
which leads to thought (chintnam), that we are lead to understanding
(somzhikai). Remember: Chint mhunsha uloichea adim, magir upai nam. Think
before you speak, no point in regretting later.

Other than that, peace people. Thanks Julian, and Melinda.

Venantius J Pinto
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