                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

       International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
    Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
              Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

 Re: Wanted - Abscondees from Goa Archives.

Note: Resending the full version of this mail as part of the mail was lost
on transmission earlier. Sorry not my fault.


I was amused. lol. especially the case of the ubiquitous Sitarams spiriting
6000 bags of rice and living it up in Goa. He could be the same Sitaram's
relation who con me into giving me into giving him the bus fare for meeting
up with me again with information and never showing up.

Well, the cases quoted simply confirm my deeply held belief that goans are
Petty Thieves at best and pretty incompetent at it too. They get caught. If
you really want to see theft then watch empire builders and the media they
control where theft is equated to "interests".

Goans will get caught over petty theft like lifting a couple of revolvers. I
should imagine you can pick these up abandoned whereever the British and the
USA have been defending their "interests".

No wonder the British thought the goans were just the right people to
protect their "interests". There is honour among thieves but I am
pretty sure that was not why the goans were the darlings of the British
Administration. It must be their strengths of being unable to plan, unable
to cooperate and as reliable to "grass" on their fellows   that made them so
attractive to the  British.lol.

n 7/7/07, rui nuvo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re: Christianity revisited for the last time?
>  Hei,
> Is there some reason why Christianity is brought up ad-infinitum in almost
> every topic in goanet-request?
> Come on, it is about time we stop bringing up christianity or any
> religious belief system into topics for serious discussion. No wonder we
> spend so much time chasing our own tails unless of  course we want to
> confuse the cats.
> The christian faith has a chequered history. Christianity has slept with
> apartheid, the final solution, murder and pillage, money laundering, doggy
> popes and clergy in rome let alone goa. And these are just the servants of
> God.
> God himself/herself  has changed a bit. He appears to be less omnipresent
> and less into 1:1 communication or even mobile phones. His nature too
> appears to have changed a bit from a merciless God of the old testament
> ( you could be forgiven for not knowing the punishment disobeying god for
> simply turning your head round. A crime punishable to being turned into a
> pillar of salt or salt lick.) to a forgiving God of the new testament at the
> stroke of a pen. I dare say King Herrod passed away peacefully in his sleep
> even after crucifying the son of god. Frankly, I really don't much care
> either if he did or not.
> It appears that the more incredible a yarn the more likely it is to
> have takers. Religion has a wonderful way of being associated to anything
> however irrelevant or accommodating anything however subverse.
> What is more to the point is that as a belief system religion has nothing
> to do with serious topics like Education, Science, Politics, Economics,
> Social System .... let alone Goan Christian Goalkeeping paradigm shift. lol.
> When catholics were worried about going to war to the Falklands on the
> grounds that it was not "justified". Cardinal Hume promptly gave his
> blessing to the war to catholics in the UK with the statement that the war
> was "justifiable". :) so keeping faith with the protestant christian.
> I have known the Irish catholic clergy charge Africans, the very people
> who could least afford it money to receive Holy Communion.  White catholics
> were reserved front pews. The compliant and subservient goans went along
> with it all to secure a place with God no doubt. hahaha.
>  The bottom line is that with christianity anything goes. Just what is
> amazing is that people need any belief system. Well, in my view those who
> need religion should feel free to keep it. Those who do not should give it a
> wide berth. And please lets not confuse the issue of associating  religion
> with serious topics. We would not be goans if we were not allowed our time
> honoured hypocrisies and our hypocrites. hahaha.
>  On 7/7/07, rui nuvo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Re: Wanted - Abscondees from Goa Archives.
> >
> > Hei,
> >
> > I was amused. lol. especially the case of the ubiquitous Sitarams
> > spiriting 6000 bags of rice and living it up in Goa. He could be the same
> > Sitaram's relation who con me into giving me into giving him the bus fare
> > for meeting up with me again with information and never showing up.
> >
> > Well, the cases quoted simply confirm my deeply held belief that goans
> > are Petty Thieves at best and pretty incompetent at it too. They get caught.
> > If you really want to see theft then watch empire builders and the media
> > they control where theft is equated to "interests".
> >
> > Goans will get caught over petty theft like lifting a couple of
> > revolvers. I should imagine you can pick these up abandoned whereever the
> > British and the USA have been defending their "interests".
> >
> > No wonder the British thought the goans were just the right people to
> > protect their "interests". There is honour among thieves but I am
> > pretty sure that was not why the goans were the darlings of the British
> > Administration. It must be their strengths of being unable to plan, unable
> > to cooperate and as reliable to "grass" on their fellows   that made them so
> > attractive to the  British.lol.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
> > >        goanet@lists.goanet.org
> > >
> > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> > >        http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org
> > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> > >        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > You can reach the person managing the list at
> > >        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > > than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >        **** WWW.GOANET.ORG <http://www.goanet.org/> ***  A N N O U N C
> > > E M E N T ****
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Launching Goanet-sports - Dedicated to Sports in Goa and Goans in
> > > Sports
> > >
> > > Get your free subscription at:
> > >
> > > http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-sports-goanet.org
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Today's Topics:
> > >
> > >   1. Weightier and heavier (Cecil Pinto)
> > >   2. Re Cornel's long awaited comeback (CORNEL DACOSTA)
> > >   3. LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS (airesrod)
> > >   4. Re: Christianity as we know it (Gilbert Lawrence)
> > >   5. No Christian Goal-keeper among Indian Hockey Probables
> > >      (CARMO DCRUZ)
> > >   6. Goan Music and Dance from Lisbon: The Ekv?t Ensemble
> > >      (Goanet  Events)
> > >   7. If Cornell Does Really Care ! (eric pinto)
> > >   8. Goa Sadan contact details !!! (INDOLOGY GOA)
> > >   9. Re: Ignatius Loyola (Santosh Helekar)
> > > 10. Links to books from Goa... ( Frederick Noronha [??????? ???????] )
> > > 11. Goa Land (rui nuvo)
> > > 12. Priests and politics (Albert Desouza)
> > > 13. The religion of Love (Albert Desouza)
> > >
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > > Message: 1
> > > Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 14:07:36 +0530
> > > Wrom:
> > > the UK. Thankfully, they
> > > barely do if at all. Thus my concern is the situation in Goa
> > > specifically
> > > and I can assure you that apart from my visits there, I am provided
> > > with
> > > valuable information privately about the caste issue by Goanetters
> > > from Goa
> > > and those in the Diaspora who read our correspondence and definitely
> > > seem to
> > > know the situation infinitely better than you do. On the other hand,
> > > perhaps
> > > you do know the hypocrisy about caste among Catholic Goans rather well
> > > too
> > > but try desperately to pretend that it is insignificant because you
> > > find it
> > > so embarrassing as a 'good' Goan Catholic yourself.  Indeed, let me
> > > give you
> > > three examples of your remarkable resistance to issues you have found
> > > embarrassing but did gradually concede that some of us draw upon the
> > > weight
> > > of hard evidence.
> > >
> > > a) Previously you argued strongly, and as a lone voice, against the
> > > firm
> > > evidence that some Hindu temples were demolished and effectively
> > > obliterated, in known instances, and Catholic Churches were
> > > constructed
> > > directly above i.e on top of them. However, you gradually eased up on
> > > your
> > > strong resistance to this point.
> > >
> > > b) In another instance, you found it embarrassing when I emphasised
> > > strongly
> > > that Hitler, the mass murderer, was a Catholic from birth and had
> > > continued
> > > Church membership of the said faith all his life. It took me ages to
> > > get you
> > > to finally concede, in your own words that, "Hitler was a Fascist who
> > > also
> > > happened to be a Catholic."
> > >
> > > c) It took me ages to get you to concede that Catholicism and caste
> > > are
> > > totally incompatible theologically, intellectually and in any
> > > conceivable
> > > way.
> > >
> > > All three examples above, are well recorded in Goanet archives and I
> > > want to
> > > suggest that were you to concede to the obvious evidence about the
> > > weight of
> > > caste prevalence among Catholic Goans in Goa, I would not have to
> > > press my
> > > point as forcefully as I do when responding to you. It is an absolute
> > > mystery to me why you take an unsustainable stance (akin to being
> > > between a
> > > rock and a hard place) on the issue of caste, its consistent
> > > re-generation,
> > > re-vitalisation and taken for granted prevalence, rooted in  village
> > > and
> > > vaddo, among Catholic Goans in Goa.
> > >
> > > I am afraid I like to call a spade a spade. My position is simple.
> > > Many
> > > Catholic Goans, ought to be thoroughly ashamed that caste permeates
> > > their
> > > everyday lives and psyches to such a great extent to this day. I'm
> > > afraid
> > > your doomed strategy of simply saying that racist caste in Goa is
> > > insignificant today does not fool anybody, and especially, the many
> > > who are
> > > very well informed about the truer version, than you, of this reality.
> > >
> > >
> > > But of course, I will also respond to you and Mr de Mello, in fairly
> > > minute
> > > detail as to why I make a strong case that the Catholic Church in Goa
> > > has
> > > colluded with caste for the best part of five centuries and still
> > > does. This
> > > is irrespective of Fr Loiala's inability to answer the five questions
> > > I
> > > posed for him after he had agreed to try and answer my searching
> > > questions
> > > on the co-existence of caste and the Catholic Church in Goa.
> > > Regards
> > > Cornel DaCosta, London UK.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 3
> > > Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 18:08:12 -0700 (PDT)
> > > From: airesrod < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Subject: [Goanet] LIGHTEN OUR DARKNESS
> > > To: goanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> > >
> > > Chief Minister Digambar Kamat may have all the tactful
> > > and diplomatic skills but the power supply situation
> > > in Goa has not improved in spite of him being at the
> > > helm of the Power Ministry for over six years.
> > >
> > > Constant power failures and voltage fluctuations in
> > > spite of all the so called upgrading of the
> > > infrastructure is a matter of concern. Is one to
> > > presume that all the transformers, feeders and cables
> > > being installed are sub-standard?
> > >
> > > Over the last few years I have had to wake up the ever
> > > so obliging Digambar Kamat in the early hours of the
> > > morning to complain about power failures. Even last
> > > week I had to pick up the phone after midnight and
> > > Digambar as usual was very polite.I had probably not
> > > disturbed his sleep as he was himself having sleepless
> > > nights cobbling the cabinet expansion.
> > >
> > > In Digambar Kamat's bio data on the Goa Information
> > > Department web site it states that his special
> > > interest is ?helping needy people?. Please give us the
> > > uninterrupted light we desperately need though we are
> > > fully aware that politicians prefer to operate under
> > > the cover of darkness.
> > >
> > > Aires Rodrigues
> > > Ribandar
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >      ___________________________________________________________
> > > Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer.
> > > Try it
> > > now.
> > > http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 4
> > > Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 19:37:24 -0700
> > > From: Gilbert Lawrence < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [Goanet] Christianity as we know it
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> > >
> > > To respond to this thread, however far and long (in time) one goes,
> > > when one walks in a circle, one reaches the same spot one starts.  Then, 
> > > one
> > > goes over the same tracks.  So I am intrigued, "particularly with the 
> > > growth
> > > of science and expansion in the availability of education" what NEW
> > > theological issues my good friend Cornel raises (questions not asked 
> > > before)
> > > and NEW responses he comes up (answers not yet provided).
> > >
> > > I read a 700-page history book "The Story of Civilization" on Rome 800
> > > BC to 350 AD. To quote from the book:
> > >
> > > Celsus (second century anti-Christian philosopher) sarcastically
> > > observed that Christians were "split up into ever so many factions, each
> > > individual desiring to have his own party." In about 187 AD,  Irenaeus
> > > listed 20 varieties of Christianity; in about 384 AD, Epiphanius counted 
> > > 80.
> > > At every point, foreign ideas were creeping into Christian belief; and
> > > Christian believers were deserting to novel sects. The Church felt that 
> > > its
> > > experimental youth was ending, its maturity was near; and it must now 
> > > define
> > > its terms and proclaim the conditions of its membership. Three difficult
> > > steps were necessary: the formation of a scriptural canon, the 
> > > determination
> > > of doctrine, and the organization of authority.
> > >
> > > Author (Will Durant) ends the chapter with: Judea gave Christianity
> > > ethics, Greece gave it (philosophy and) theology, and Rome gave it
> > > organization.  (parenthesis mine)
> > >
> > > The first council of Nicaea met to work out the varying
> > > interpretations in doctrine. All (316) but two bishops signed on to the
> > > Nicene Creed. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD did not stop future issues 
> > > for
> > > discussion and disagreements.  As I read the controversies now, compared 
> > > to
> > > the issues (nature of Christ, Trinity, sin, punishment, etc etc) that the
> > > church in the first 300 years faced, I can only describe the present
> > > disagreements as superficial, semantics, childish and self-serving. (Like 
> > > a
> > > 25-year old parroting the virtues of live-in relation and premarital sex).
> > >
> > > I hope whatever question(s) Cornel raises will lead to more light than
> > > heat.  The Roman world of 2000 years ago (from England to Iran and from
> > > North Germany to Libya - Carthage) had a much larger variation of 
> > > religious
> > > and social practices; and interactions of different peoples and races than
> > > one ever encountered in any time in history, including today.
> > >
> > > I am sure Cornel and others understand that whatever issues we
> > > discuss, we will not change much. Yet, the discussion is likely to make us
> > > smarter. However to do so, we need to discuss the issues smartly and
> > > methodically; and not just argue some esoteric problem or some real or
> > > imaginary historical shadows (which we often do). With the Church, as in
> > > your college, in my hospital, or in our country, the final decision lies
> > > with the person authorized to say, "The buck stops here!"
> > >
> > > Kind Regards, GL
> > >
> > > ------------- Cornel DaCosta People's Vaddo, DR04 CDC, London, UK.
> > >
> > > What you describe about Christianity is that millions of Christians
> > > over the ages have accepted Christianity as a faith / religion. I agree 
> > > with
> > > this. However, in the same period, there have been many who have 
> > > questioned
> > > that faith in the context of schisms, agnosticism, atheism, spiritualism,
> > > and other versions of 'belief' but about which you have remained silent.
> > >
> > > In more recent historical periods, particularly with the growth of
> > > science and expansion in the availability of education, there is an
> > > acceleration in the questioning of faiths / religions.
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 5
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 00:09:23 -0400
> > > Subject: [Goanet] No Christian Goal-keeper among Indian Hockey
> > >        Probables
> > > To: "Goanet" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> > >        reply-type=original
> > >
> > > Bernado,
> > >
> > > Good Idea. But as far as I can remember Monte De Gurim is in Bardez
> > > and I am
> > > a Die Hard Shastikar, So I will start a Hockey camp, But it will be in
> > > Margao or nearer my hometown of Velim in Salcete which has already
> > > produced
> > > outstanding hockey players like Vece Paes, John Correia, Carmo D'Cruz
> > > and
> > > many more
> > >
> > > Carmo
> > >
> > > From: Bernado Colaco
> > >
> > > C Cruz aka as W. Buffet after easily making money on
> > > shares, should share his spoils by first donating a
> > > Astro turf at Monte de Gurim, home of Goan hockey.
> > > Than bring in the Aussies to coach Goans.
> > >
> > > Bernado Colaco
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 6
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 00:44:27 -0400
> > > From: "Goanet  Events" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Goan Music and Dance from Lisbon: The Ekv?t Ensemble
> > > To: "Goanet" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> > >        reply-type=original
> > >
> > > Dancing East-Dancing West
> > > Thursday, August 2, 2007, 5 pm, Sackler pavilion
> > >
> > > Join in a demonstration of music and dance by the Ekv?t Ensemble of
> > > Lisbon.
> > > Learn about classical dance in northern India and how it changed when
> > > it
> > > traveled from Goa in India to Portugal. Take part in a dance class
> > > that
> > > follows the demonstration.
> > >
> > > See the performances page for information on the Ekv?t Ensemble
> > > performance
> > > at 7 pm in the Meyer Auditorium.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Goan Music and Dance from Lisbon: The Ekv?t Ensemble
> > > Thursday, August 2, 2007, 7 pm, Meyer Auditorium
> > > Pre-concert tour 6:15 pm. Sackler level 1
> > >
> > > Celebrate the unique culture of Goa, a Portuguese colony on India's
> > > west
> > > coast for more than 450 years before it rejoined India in 1961.
> > > Violins and
> > > guitars mix with Indian percussion and the local Konknni language to
> > > create
> > > lilting music with a Portuguese-Indian flavor. The seventeen members
> > > of the
> > > Ekv?t Ensemble come from Lisbon's community of more than 100,000
> > > Goans.
> > >
> > >
> > > http://www.asia.si.edu/events/index.asp?year=2007&month=8&day=2
> > >
> > >
> > > Submitted by: Rene Barreto
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 7
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 00:59:41 -0400
> > > From: "eric pinto" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] If Cornell Does Really Care !
> > > To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> > >        reply-type=original
> > >
> > > Funny thing,  i don't want to imagine our site without either Gilbert
> > > or
> > > Cornell, although heaven help, sanctissima Afra is back !
> > > Things dont happen in a vacuum, and if Gilbert should ask around, he
> > > will
> > > learn about the social scene of our crowd in East Africa in the early
> > > decades of the century that just ended. Perhaps it was a natural in a
> > > colonial set up that required a pecking order, and we filled in the
> > > gaps
> > > eagerly, but mean is mean, and Tony Barros/Cornell have expanded on
> > > the
> > > subject in the past.
> > > I spent a month with a Goan in Oyster Bay, a Parsee was the only
> > > Indian
> > > who was permitted to live there in the old set-up of Dar es Salaam.
> > > The
> > > masters of old have now retreated to their old shores, but i gather
> > > that
> > > Cornell has seen recompense over a fruitful career in Britain. If at
> > > all, i
> > > picture deja vu all over again for him with the arrival of hoardes of
> > > Slavs
> > > in London. It was not just a few hundred SS thugs who rounded up four
> > > million Jews and Gypsies in Poland, if you get the picture, and i
> > > imagine
> > > those nice folk are going to keep Cornell pretty uneasy in the years
> > > ahead.
> > > And now to the real point : Goa/Goans need the vittles that flow our
> > > way
> > > from western diocesan collections. Every last person enjoys the
> > > benefits,
> > > religion or looks aside. Cast in a bad light, it is just as easy for
> > > Cornells bishop's to consider looking at New Guinea instead.
> > > eric.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 8
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 01:02:36 -0400
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Goa Sadan contact details !!!
> > > To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> > >        reply-type=original
> > >
> > > Goa Sadan- 011-24629967/68 , Fax: 011-24629956
> > > for booking Goa Sadan, New Delhi please contact Mr.R.Agha :
> > > 0832-2419789..........Mr.R.Agha is gem of a person.
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > > We are not in a position  in which we have nothing to work with. We
> > > already
> > > have capacities, talents, directions, missions, calling.............
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > > Dr.Anjali Mohan Rao,
> > > Chairperson
> > > Indology Goa
> > > Regd.Address: GIRIVAR, Opp.Dhempe College, Miramar Beach,
> > > Post-Caranzalem,
> > > City-Panaji, Goa 403002 INDIA
> > > Phone: 0091-832-2462195 Cellphone: 0091-9422057786 / 0091-9422062910
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 9
> > > Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 23:56:23 -0700 (PDT)
> > > From: Santosh Helekar < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [Goanet] Ignatius Loyola
> > > To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> > >        < goanet@lists.goanet.org>
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> > >
> > > --- Alfred de Tavares < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >OBS: My downfall in the sex venture was when the
> > > >young lambs tried to blow up the FLs I used to hand
> > > >out (FREE) as balloons. Pls don?t ever talk to me of
> > > >sweet innocence: It still hurts in posterior, where I
> > > >recd a multitude of the juiciest!
> > > >
> > >
> > > In what brand name were they peddled then my dear
> > > Alfredchacha? This was much before the advent of super
> > > deluxe Nirodh I reckon. Were you the harbinger of
> > > women's lib?
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > > Santosh
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 10
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 13:24:07 +0530
> > > From: " Frederick Noronha [??????? ???????] " < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Links to books from Goa...
> > > To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
> > >        < goanet@lists.goanet.org>,
> > > Message-ID:
> > >        < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> > >
> > > http://www.goanet.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=220
> > > --
> > > FN: Frederick Noronha
> > > http://wikiwikiweb.de/MyContacts
> > > Phone 0091-832-2409490 Cell: 091-9822122436 or 9970157402 (after 1 pm)
> > > A film on copyright! GOOD COPY BAD COPY:  a documentary about the
> > > current state of copyright and culture.
> > > http://www.goodcopybadcopy.net/
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 11
> > > Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 01:01:28 -0400
> > > From: "rui nuvo" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Goa Land
> > > To: "Goanet" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> > >        reply-type=original
> > >
> > > Hei,
> > >
> > > The irony of it is that I am a "gownkar" but have no land to call my
> > > own in
> > > Goa.
> > >
> > > While my parents were alive and living in Goa, I tried to get them to
> > > buy me
> > > some land in Goa with the hope that I could "Have a Home". Well it
> > > never
> > > happened.
> > >
> > > My parents were too old to undertake the task or incapable of it. Of
> > > course
> > > we had lost land to "munkars"  6 paddy fields and we had lost portions
> > > of
> > > the "barts" to squatters. And what property we did have was being
> > > pillaged
> > > at nights for the fruit.
> > >
> > > I was warned of the people that I would meet. I was warned about the
> > > law of
> > > the land. I was warned about squatters. I was warned about con men. I
> > > was
> > > warned about even friends. I was even warned about the priests. lol.
> > >
> > > However, I put the word round that I was interested in buying some
> > > property.
> > > It was a mind blowing experience. I met all kinds goans who may have
> > > had
> > > land to sell. I ran into people trying to sell property that they did
> > > not
> > > even belong to them. I met people who were trying to sell land that
> > > was
> > > unlikely to get planning permission to build. I met people who wanted
> > > money
> > > in advance. I met people who wanted money for the bus fare to meet up
> > > with
> > > me with information. Needless to say they never showed up lol. I met a
> > > large
> > > land owning family that had a high standing in the community. One of
> > > the
> > > brothers agreed to sell and then promptly changed his mind. Instead of
> > > saying he had changed his mind he came up with some feeble excuse of
> > > not
> > > wanting to upset the people who he would have to displace from this
> > > small
> > > part of the property.
> > >
> > > Chasing red herring took up most of my holidays and was extremely
> > > frustrating. But it was a good experience because I had a different
> > > view of
> > > goans in goa and the experience gave me a chance to experience
> > > reality.  All
> > > this was several years ago. I decided then that I had had enough.
> > >
> > > But more recently being a devil for punishment,  I went to goa and
> > > thought I
> > > would make another final effort to buy some property as my parents
> > > passed
> > > away. The "comnidard" who meet to discuss village issues including
> > > apportioning of land to gownkars consistently failed to turn up at
> > > regular
> > > meetings. Those that did matter lived several miles outside the
> > > village and
> > > were not contactable. There was a notice board at the comnidard but no
> > > notice that the meetings were being cancelled. I called the leader
> > > from
> > > abroad eventually who promply apologised and promised to meet me the
> > > next
> > > time I come to goa. lol.
> > >
> > > Later, I was put in touch with a family who had a small patch of land
> > > to
> > > sell. When I visited them, it turned out that the person trying to
> > > sell me
> > > the land was an working class English Eastender who had embedded
> > > himself
> > > with the family. Now here was an English man trying to sell a
> > > "gownkar" land
> > > in goa. The irony was not missed on me. When I pointed out that his
> > > mark up
> > > price was many time more then the going price of land in that area let
> > > alone
> > > more expensive then similar property in the Eastend, he pointed out
> > > that it
> > > was marked up to a future value that the property could expect to sell
> > > at.
> > > So much for that. lol.
> > >
> > > Quite unrelated but perhaps pertinent, when I revisited one of my
> > > favourite
> > > heritage sites in goa, I was surprised this time it was leased out to
> > > a non
> > > goan who had taken it upon himself to put the best views outside his
> > > restaurant out of bounds to the public unless you were one of his
> > > customers.
> > > I reported the matter to the goa heritage authority later but I am not
> > > sure
> > > anything has was done to ensure that heritage sites remain open to the
> > > public.
> > >
> > > Since then I have heard that a lot of the land has been taken over by
> > > foreigners including Russians and Israelies by proxy.
> > >
> > > Of course when I left goa there were a lot of people who promised to
> > > keep me
> > > updated.
> > >
> > > I must confess that the last time I went to goa, for the first time I
> > > felt I
> > > was a foreigner in Goa. It was not a pleasant feeling but I guess the
> > > world
> > > has moved on and perhaps I have not.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 12
> > > Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 13:41:14 +0000
> > > From: "Albert Desouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] Priests and politics
> > > To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> > > Message-ID: < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> > >
> > > There is no harm if priests take part in politics.The right thing for
> > > the
> > > priest is to call for a meeting of the parishisoners which should
> > > include
> > > people of all religion and select a candidate from there who would
> > > work for
> > > the benefit of the masses.But   if priest canvas for the candidate
> > > selected
> > > by a political party and has a divine background of cheating and
> > > collection
> > > of wealth then the priest is asking the people to vote for a chor and
> > > a
> > > nagono and is not a right thing whether of present or past.I think the
> > > bishop himself can put his hand and mind in selecting a good
> > > candidates from
> > > the constituency itself instead of the political parties dumping waste
> > > on
> > > our heads.
> > > albert
> > >
> > > _________________________________________________________________
> > > Voice your questions and our experts will answer them
> > > http://content.msn.co.in/Lifestyle/AskExpert/Default01.htm
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------
> > >
> > > Message: 13
> > > Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:40:45 +0000
> > > From: "Albert Desouza" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: [Goanet] The religion of Love
> > > To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> > > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> > >
> > > Dear Friends
> > > Someone rightly said that Jesus was not a christian.He founded the
> > > religion
> > > of love. The rules of his religion are so simple yet so difficult to
> > > observe
> > > and that is the reason many of us  though we  make big noise to
> > > proclaim
> > > this religion of love seldom have time to love any one. Parents
> > > lingering in
> > > the homes is a sorry state of sight.Many of them have money but what
> > > they
> > > need is pure love and affection. i was in hospital attending to my
> > > mother
> > > who was hospitalised and there was an old priest who was also
> > > hospitalised
> > > as his pressure was high and sugar. He was happy to see me looking
> > > after my
> > > mother and patted me on my back and told me that one who   honours his
> > >
> > > parents and give them attention and care God will bless them
> > > abundantly even
> > > without your knowledge.Many of us grumble that our children are beyond
> > > our
> > > control. Many of these children lack love from young. Mother is
> > > replaced by
> > > maids. Breast feeding is replaced by bottles and mother's embrace is
> > > replaced by any other modern toys. While growing children want to be
> > > hugged
> > > by their mothers but their abscense  make them robbots.Love cannot be
> > > replaced by money. Mothers should know that by giving lots of notes to
> > > their
> > > children they are loving them.True love comes from hugging and kissing
> > > your
> > > children even when they are grown and finding time for them.Manyparents
> > > make it a point to eat with their children and allow them to talk and
> > > they
> > > listen to them without scolding them even if they have done something
> > > wrong.
> > > Children have their parents to whom they can go and talk and take
> > > their
> > > advice. Respect your children.Let us build a motto.Respect each and
> > > every
> > > human being and God will really respect you
> > > albert
> > >
> > > _________________________________________________________________
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> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > End of Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 554
> > > **************************************
> > >
> >
> >
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