2. Re: Religion and Science (Fr. Ivo C. de Souza)
   8. Re: Religion and Science (Santosh Helekar)
   9. Re: Religion and Science (Fr. Ivo C. de Souza)

'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
-Chinese proverb

Dear Father Ivo

The food & drug, agrichemical, and pharmaceutical industries are making
allopathic doctors rich. Western medicine is a wealth creation machine which
has enslaved the gullible patient, eg. doctors must have known for years
that aspirin causes damage to blood vessels. Our newspapers this week warned
that aspirin not only causes damage to stomach lining, but also is
implicated in bleeding in the brain. I myself found on taking the
recommended one-per-day that I got nosebleeds. Statins are another mythical
wonder drug, like hormone replacement - not.

Yet there are unspecified large numbers of patients in UK who take cocktails
of such drugs daily including aspirin. They, in my opinion, do not have the
quality of life that they could have if they excluded needless daily drug

On my first visit to Kerala (as you rightly pointed out re how well children
without preconceived ideas get on with homeopathy), I met a charming Muslim
family, whose little son had been weak and ill. He made good progress after
he took homeopathic remedies. I went to the Hindu lady homeopath and I too
did very well on the homeopathic remedy she gave me. 

February 2009 I attended Shiroda homeopathic hospital. I will always praise
the interns who screened me, and Dr Frances Fernandes.  He had been a
conventional medical practitioner, but became a homeopath. I found them
through a group of Australian ladies who have done courses, and come back
regularly to Shiroda, so do the large Swiss group that I met there on my
second visit before returning to UK. In my opinion I would always prefer
homeopathic remedies for myself. That does not mean allopathic medicines are
not to be preferred by other people. However, I believe that conventional
allopathic medicine is more dangerous and harmful than the correct
application of homeopathic remedies.

It is so easy to scoff, mock and belittle what others do, take or believe.
Pharmaceutical corporations have noticed that naturopathy and alternatives
to their drugs are being sought by the public - they and MDs must feel
threatened by people who refuse to be guinea pigs or subject themselves to
possible harmful adverse effects. It has been profitable to pathologies
chronic disease and other human conditions. I noticed how many pharmacies
exist in Goa, but for me allopathic drugs ought to come with a health
warning, like cigarettes do.

Rita Grootendorst

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