Perhaps not a Ph.D, but practicing to be a prick; more precisely a dick..

venantius j pinto

> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:40:14 +0530
> From: Lionel Messias <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Lion Roars
> Weighty issues
> Going (coco)nuts over Assembly questions
> (del) The MLA from St. Cruz, Victoria Fernandes asked to list the
> beneficiaries of various schemes of the Agriculture Department. The answer
> all of 1,549 pages, (del) (!);
> details of the support price scheme i.e amount given to various persons in
> the past two years for various agriculture produce covered along with names
> and addresses. Names and addresses, addresses! For crying out loud, what in
> blazes for? (del)
> PhD anyone?
> But was Victoria given the right answers? You will never know, will you?
> She
> wanted to know the list of beneficiaries who have taken the benefit of the
> support price for various crops (constituency-wise that too) such as
> sugarcane, beetlenut etc from June 2007 till date. Constituency wise! Now
> YOU would be within your rights to think she might be doing her doctorate.

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