Santosh bhavu, I have been reading your replies and would like to know your 
intention. There is no confusion nor is anyone being misled. I am hopefully 
very clear on certain aspects. With regard to Law, all jurisprudence is based 
on natural law, common sense and societal norms. Definitions are very important 
in any law and great effort is placed on the right definition to avoid any 
misunderstanding or confusion.
 Today with the Internet, there is so much information floating in the ether, 
one has to only reach out and read through an unending stream of knowledge. 
Knowledge can be used for Good and evil. We must therefore read widely and read 
well before we form any opinions or take a stand. One must also bear in mind 
that the knowledge we obtain is not necessarily the completeness but only a 
chapter, and pictures may look different but tell the same story.
Regarding citizenship. It is very clear. You take the citizenship of your 
parents. The definition of a citizen of India as per Indian law is ' India 
Citizen: Every person born anywhere in the world to a Parent who is an Indian 
Citizen at the time of such birth,  or if such baby is registered as an Indian 
Citizen born abroad to sons or daughters of an Indian Citizen is an Indian 
Citizen. This is known as a Natural Born Indian Citizen.' The same applies for 
most countries.
  Using the above definition,how does a person born in Pre Dec 19 1961,(62 yrs 
ago today) Goa, which was a Part of Portugal clearly defined in the Portuguese 
constitution dated 1822 become a citizen of India?  India did not exist in 
1822. But the state of Goa did as a part of Portugal, and all people of Goan 
origin were considered Portuguese citizens. We were NEVER known as citizens of 
India. So where is the confusion. 
To add to the morass, without a plebiscite, we retained our citizenship  but 
Indian nationality was thrust upon us by annexation. Citizenship can only be 
renounced. At what point in time have the People of Goa renounced Portuguese 
citizenship? A Plebiscite would have resolved the issue. Unfortunately this was 
not done. So we have to make the best of it in true Goan style.
Certain issues in life are best left unspoken when Governments are involved 
and, accepting the inevitable with grace is the best option.  This situation is 
a sensitive issue and must be dealt with accordingly. Left to itself it will 
resolve peacefully.
The question is does this situation benefit our people. The answer is a 
resounding Yes. 
Should the politicians be allowed to mess it up. The answer is a resounding NO.
Should we unite and stand shoulder to shoulder. I leave it to you. My shoulder 
is always available.
God bless

Sets me free, my iPad3
Cold breeze, hot beach

> On 18-Dec-2013, at 23:47, wrote:
> If one examines a currently valid passport of any country, irrespective of 
> whether the passport holder was born in foreign colonial captivity or not in 
> the past, it becomes clear that both Shri Falcao and Shri Sanches have been 
> misled. A citizen and passport holder of a country also holds its 
> nationality. As an Indian citizen all Falcao has to do to ascertain this fact 
> is to look at the page of his Indian passport that has his mugshot. One of 
> the personal attributes listed on that page is nationality. Falcao's 
> nationality
> would be stated as being Indian on his Indian passport. Please see for 
> example the pertinent page of Aishwarya Rai's Indian passport at this link, 
> indicating that this Indian citizen has an Indian nationality:
> Similarly, the nationalidade of the Portuguese citizen and passport holder 
> Ines Garcao de Magalhaes is Portuguesa. Please see:
> The nationality of a U.S. citizen who was born in India is U.S., not Indian. 
> Please see:
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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