Going Soft On Terrorism [Herald, 30 Nov 2009]

That the Chief Minister isn't
taking firm action against the
Sanatan Sanstha is an ominous

It is now a month and a half since the bomb blast in Margao
on Diwali eve, which killed two Sanatan Sanstha activists who
were allegedly carrying a bomb in their scooter. One would
have expected that after this incident at least there would
have been appropriate action against the Sanstha, which has
long been linked to hate speech, communal propaganda and
terrorist violence. But that has hardly happened.

Immediately after the incident, there was a knee-jerk
reaction of sorts, with Home Minister Ravi Naik making
statements about 'strong action' needing to be taken against
the Sanstha. But his target was clearly his bete noire
Transport Minister Sudin Dhavalikar, who has close links with
the Sanstha, rather than the organisation itself.

          A Special Investigation Team (SIT) was set up and
          the Maharashtra Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) came in to
          assist in the investigations. The investigations
          have been making slow but steady headway, and a
          number of activists of the Sanstha have been
          arrested for being involved in the bomb plot.

Recent reports in Herald reveal that the police have
unearthed a well-planned conspiracy, where trial runs of the
bombs were carried out at the Talaulim-Ponda hillock and SIM
cards had been obtained on the basis of bogus election photo
identity cards (EPIC). It is to be hoped that these
investigations will be carried to their logical conclusion
and all those involved in the bomb plot will be brought to

So far, so good -- but what of the Sanstha itself?

After the bomb incidents, the Sanstha launched a
disinformation campaign, in an attempt to wash its hands off
the whole incident. The line was initially that its activists
had been framed and that the activists who died in the bomb
blast were actually the victims of a bomb planted in their
scooter by others.

Since such an obvious cover-up carries little conviction, the
Sanstha simultaneously took the line that these activists
were 'misguided' persons who had taken the wrong path. The
same argument had been made by the Sanstha when some of its
activists were arrested for violence against Christians in
Ratnagiri and after the Gadkari Rangayatan bomb blasts in Thane.

As noted rationalist Dr Narendra Dabholkar asked in a public
meeting in Panjim, how is it that the Sanstha's activists so
often take the same kind of 'wrong path' and more
pertinently, how is it that this unconvincing argument is
accepted at face value and the Sanstha gets away without any
action being taken against it as an institution? It also
defies belief that a few rogue activists of the Sanatan
Sanstha, a tight-knit, secretive organisation, independently
carried out the blasts without the knowledge or involvement
of any of the senior persons in the organisation.

It is not as if there were not enough indications, even
before the incidents in Thane and Goa, that the Sanstha's
propaganda was of the type that justified violence in the
'defence of religion'. Much has been written about the nature
of the literature that the Sanstha produces and distributes,
the kind of hate speech and communal propaganda that takes
place in its Dharma Jagruti Sabhas, and the "defence
training" that it provides to selected cadre.

And then we had the logical culmination of all this in the
blasts in Thane and Goa. Despite all this, the state
governments, both in Maharashtra and Goa, continue to take a
soft stance towards the Sanstha. The Maharashtra government
has long been delaying banning the Sanstha, and a
recommendation last year by then ATS chief Hemant Karkare to
ban the organisation was rejected.

          In Goa, there have been repeated demands to ban the
          Sanstha, the most recent one coming from the
          Congress Legislature Party (CLP). Yet nothing has
          been done. Masterly inaction is the USP of Chief
          Minister Digambar Kamat and his government in Goa.
          A ban may not necessarily be the best way to tackle
          the problem, but the soft attitude displayed by the
          government defies understanding.

The BJP has, of course, been trying to soft-pedal the issue,
given that it is a direct electoral beneficiary of the kind
of propaganda carried out by the Sanatan Sanstha and its
offshoots like the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.

Manohar Parrikar made distinctly double-faced statements
immediately after the bomb blasts, demanding foolproof
evidence of the involvement of the Sanstha in the Margao bomb
blasts -- this coming from a man who, without any evidence
whatsoever, blamed SIMI for the temple desecrations in Goa.
Other BJP politicians, like BJP spokesperson Laxmikant
Parsekar, have been making similar statements and trying to
defuse the whole issue.

And then we have the Congress. While the CLP has demanded a
ban, Chief Minister Digambar Kamat still takes a soft stance,
despite the fact that had the plot succeeded, it would have
set off a huge communal conflagration in his constituency of
Margao, given that the intention of the Sanstha's activists
was clearly to direct suspicion towards the Muslim community.

Does Digambar Kamat have sympathies for the Sanatan Sanstha?
His actions (and lack of them) seem to suggest that. He had
had no qualms about tacitly supporting the rabidly communal
and provocative exhibition of photographs of Kashmir by
Francois Gautier, organised by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.
The Sanstha and its offshoots have only had to say "boo" for
him to get terrified and bow to their unreasonable demands,
whether it is to order an M F Husain film to be withdrawn
from IFFI 2008 or to curtail the exhibition of Ganesha
paintings by Subodh Kerkar from 11 days to 2 days!

          Apart from the indecisiveness and
          saffron-friendliness of our Chief Minister, the
          Congress has always taken a soft stance towards
          Hindutva, under the misguided impression that stern
          action may alienate the Hindu community. While firm
          action may sometimes lead to temporary electoral
          damage, in the long term it can only strengthen the
          secular base of Indian politics, on which the
          Congress depends to survive. Allowing politics to
          become communalised is bound to hurt the party very
          badly in the long run.

The situation in the Congress is complicated by the fact that
it has always been a hold-all party, and has always
accommodated communal elements within its fold. This was seen
in the 2007 elections, when it admitted hardcore RSS activist
(pracharak) Mohan Amshekar into its fold. Digambar Kamat
himself has an RSS background, and joined the Congress after
defecting from the BJP, having been the Deputy Chief Minister
in the Manohar Parrikar government. Is that why he is going
soft on the communal forces? If not, what is the explanation?

Going soft on religious extremism is not a problem limited to
Goa. In Maharashtra too, the Congress has shown little
inclination to come down hard on Abhinav Bharat, the Bajrang
Dal, the Sanatan Sanstha and the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti,
all of which have been implicated in setting off bombs in the
state. Of all holy cows, religion is the holiest.

But if Chief Minister Digambar Kamat and his cabinet
colleagues do not realise the danger in not taking action
against the Sanatan Sanstha, someone in the Congress High
Command should understand that their state governments are
sending out the wrong signals; and strengthening the ground
for communal forces that have terrorists in their ranks.

[This article was first published in the Herald.]

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