Interrogating Politicians and Exposing Them: A Primer

by Vidyadhar Gadgil

On one of my rare visits to Panjim, I bumped into old pal
Cecil Pinto. At Bar Bevado, while he downed his customary
caju feni and I, following my teetotal eccentricities,
consumed cup after cup of tea, we caught up with recent
events. Next thing I remember is waking up the next morning
at home, with a throbbing headache. But, whether dream or
nightmare -- blame it on too much thiamine -- I vaguely
remember accompanying Cecil on one of his journalistic
assignments. Anyway, over to Cecil and the report I
hallucinated he was going to file:


The Goan media landscape had a seismic shock following the
release and unprecedented success of a video interview titled
'Parrikar vs Parrikar', uploaded to Google Video (and
subsequently aired on some Goan news-channels). For as much
as twenty minutes, media-watchers at Cafe Prakash in Panjim
stopped talking about the imminent entry of the TOI into Goa
and only discussed this new efficient exploitation by the BJP
of the brightest new medium for political statements -- the
internet. I, your popular, fearless, maverick correspondent
Cecil Pinto followed up on this story.

I caught up with a beaming Rajan Parrikar (RP), the brain
behind the project, at the Campal waterfront, where RP was
clicking photos of workers engaged in their daily routines,
presumably for his forthcoming photo-feature on the woes and
miseries of the neglected working class and migrant labour in
Goa, and the need to improve their lot. Basking in the glow
of his recent success, he kindly agreed to share a few candid
thoughts with me.

Cecil: Rajanbab, tell us something about your recent

R Parrikar: The internet is the new frontier for getting your
message across -- we decided to exploit its potential. I
spoke with the young, handsome, dynamic, visionary, secular,
progressive [the other adjectives used by RP have been edited
out due to limitations of space. Our newspaper has only 12
pages. Our apologies -- Editor] leader of the Goan masses,
Manoharbab Parrikar. And Manoharbab's honesty, efficiency and
all-inclusive vision for Goa shone through in every frame.
The courage of the man is astonishing! Which other Goan or
Indian or even global politician would dare submit to hours
of searching examination on camera by a man who is his
unofficial cheerleader and propaganda agent? Who else would
have the vision to insist that the questions be submitted to
him well in advance, and that he retain the right to decide
which he would respond to?

Cecil: What about all the allegations about his communalism?

RP: He has convincingly rubbished them in the interview. Only
Manoharbab and his fellow BJP members are truly secular, the
rest are psuedo-secular communal harmony scumbags. He is also
true to his convictions. Which other man would have the
courage to stand by his first and greatest love, the RSS, and
openly describe it as his 'church'? Manoharbab is a true
proponent of Madhavbab Sadashivbab Golwalkar's vision, in
which Hindus are the benevolent elder brothers and all others
-- yes, even Muslims -- their younger siblings. That is his
vision for Goans of all faiths.

Cecil: That does sound like a true visionary. But what about
people of non-Goan descent?

RP: Cecilbab, our vision is truly all-inclusive. They are
also more than welcome -- in their home states, to which they
should return at the earliest.

Cecil: But you didn't say this clearly in the interview?

RP: We have developed a full-fledged mature media strategy.
You have to pick and choose your audience and medium, and
then plan your message accordingly. We efficiently used the
popular internet forum, Goanet, to create a facade of
participation, while retaining full control over the
interview. In the interview itself I dispensed with my usual
pithy descriptions of filthy ghanti, Delhi savages, the dirty
stinking toilet called India, etc., which have become the
stuff of legend in Goan cyberspace, and are in a sense my
USP. This sacrifice, though painful, had to be made for the cause.

Cecil: But there has been much criticism of the interview
doing the rounds?

RP: All sour grapes. Sonia Gandhi and the Po...cough,
cough...sorry, where was I? Yes, Sonia Gandhi and the
poverty-stricken (in a strictly ideological sense) Congress
have instructed the Goa Congress to fund disgruntled ghanti
Marxists, purveyors of communal harmony sleaze, and
madrassawallahs to question everything. Sad to say, many of
our Goan Catholic brethren and Goan Hindus -- this latter
betrayal really hurts me -- whom they have managed to corrupt
have joined them in this motivated propaganda. But the
BJP/RSS represents the only true voice of the Hindus and all
Goans, as Manoharbab convincingly demonstrates in the

Impressed and enlightened, I headed to the Congress office to
elicit their reactions to this astonishing media coup by the
BJP, but found it, as usual, totally deserted. I was
therefore left with no resort but to rely on the informant
Deep Throat, who has been our only source of information
within the Congress for some months now.

Half the ruling-combine ministers and MLAs are in Hotel
Obscena-Luxury where they are conducting a closed-door
auction, he told me. This time real-estate agents from the
UK, the US and even Russia have arrived, as the plan is to
put entire talukas on the block rather than continue our
current inefficient piecemeal sale. Builders, hoteliers, and
representatives of a wide variety of mafias are participating
in the bidding. What greater proof do you need that India is
integrating with the global economy in our new unipolar

What about the remaining ministers and MLAs, I asked.

Oh, they are engaged in drafting ordinances and amendments
to the planning laws to undo the damage and financial losses
(to themselves) caused by the roll-back of the Regional Plan
and the SEZs. As for the CM, he had to rush to Delhi to
receive personal instructions from Soniaji regarding the
exact placement of the full-length portrait of Rahul Gandhi
which will replace that obsolete bust of Mahatma Gandhi in
his office.

At the BJP office, when I requested a few words with the
Leader of the Opposition (LOO), I was told to leave the full
list of questions at the desk and that they would get back to
us after a week and let us know which questions he would
answer. I was also told to send a complete list of reporters
along with their ideological affiliations, and they would
send instructions regarding which reporter to send. When I
asked where Mr Parrikar was, I was informed that he was at
his residence, supervising some renovations to his LOO, which
is being replaced by a CMK (CM's kodel). "He was really angry
today; they could not find any niz Goenkars to do the work,
so he has been forced to hire ghanti labour. See the pass
amchem bhangarachem Goem has come to! But the architects are
true sons of Goa -- the popular firm of Vishwa, Babu, Dhavli,
and Sundry Opportunists Pvt Unltd."

Meanwhile, in a press note, the producers of the hugely
successful 'Parrikar vs Parrika' video have stated that the
new frontier of adversarial interrogation that they have
opened up has led to a barrage of enquiries from media
conglomerates. They have already firmed up contracts to
produce the interviews 'Babush Monserrate vs Tony Rodrigues'
and 'Pratapsinh Rane vs Vishwajit Rane' for Goan channels.

They are in negotiations with a Delhi-based national channel
for producing 'Narendra Modi vs Babu Bajrangi' and 'Sonia
Gandhi vs Rahul Gandhi'. Fox News has expressed keen interest
in their proposals for 'George Bush vs Dick Cheney' and
'Osama bin Laden vs Ayman al-Zawahiri'. This breakthrough for
the Goan media is considered an appropriate riposte to the
TOI's nefarious plans to drive the Goan print media out of business.

This is the intrepid Cecil Pinto reporting from Bar Bevado
which is buzzing with rumours that the BJP will make caju
feni available at cut-rate prices after they come to power.
My future political choices thus sealed once and for all, I
will henceforth eschew politics in my future columns and
return to my usual more pressing subjects -- watch out for my
new piece on micro-minis and their impact on the Goan psyche.


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