Loutolim, Salcete (Goa) was the venue for the mid-week (Dec 18, 2008)
wedding of Joaquim Da Cruz and Ashlyn Lobo of Vasco. The groom is son
of the popular musician Emiliano -- who has entertained Goa with his
Latino-style music for a generation and more.

Nuptials at 5.30 pm was at the Loutolim Saviour of the World Church,
with family, friends and wellwishers witnessing the celebration of
Mass that ended around 6.30 pm. While the bridal couple attended tos
igning the registers, the rest of the church was treated to a violin
solo for about ten minutes by a young woman. All tuned in with rapt
attention till the last note.

Outside the church foyer, the young couple was greeted and wished.
Guests were treated at Crystal Rock, next to Big Foot, a
well-decorated brightly lit garden lawn park with a spacious circular
dance floor that accomodates 500 couples. Lynx was the band in
attendance, with Bambino as emcee. The evening, which lasted till 1
pm, also saw a spacious 30-dish buffet capping the evening. [Inputs:

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