--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nasci
> I would be happy to accept your contention that I
> could not tell the 
> difference between 'continental' and Continental if
> you can provide the 
> specific evidence.
> I await your response. Please ensure your response
> is exactly illustrative 
> of my use of 'continental' and Continental as
> alleged by you.

Nasci responds:
It's not between 'continental' and 'Continental'(like
you are trying to get away with); it's between
Continent and continental (Portugal).
Yes Cornel, it is you who got very challenged over the
statement: re 'Continental Portugal' in a recent
posting by a goanetter; remember? You mistook
'continental for Continent! Then went on and on re:
that U had been several times to the wind swept
Portugal on the edge of the Continent; and that's why
U could not take it that Portugal is a Continent;
thereby implicating yourself that you could not
distinguish between continental (Portugal)and the
Continent that Portugal is part of! You did put your
'foot in the mouth' here; and after lot of postings
from goanetters, you finally understood! Then also,
you had been deriding the original poster as some
'ignorant person' when in fact it was you, who was
advertising your ignorance! Then when it was brought
to your notice that the said poster was doing his post
graduate etc in India; you did change your stance, but
yet did not properly apologise!

The above seemingly superiority complex/attitude from
you is what made me bring you on as an example of: may
be a graduate but not really 'educated'?? Then there
is also another incident when I posted about 'no
cultural freedom in India' re segregated eating places
and no choice of Beef/Pork/meat/ food etc forced on
others by the Hindu casteists. To that you snidely
responded by asking me if 'I have eaten Croc meat' in
Australia! How much more silly can one get?? I did
respond to that eloquently; didn't I?

In summary, there can be an undergraduate and yet
'educated'; or there can be a graduate both learned
and 'educated'; or there can be a graduate and yet not
'educated'!! Which of these categories you belong to,
is for you to ponder!
I have no feelings against you per se, inspite of your
snide remarks; but I had to expose you thus, to show
you as an example 'in context'.
Now that I have brought it out; there is no need to
dwelve on this theme, any further!

With regards!

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