Goans must wisely consider alternative
FOR a very long time thd tussle  of war between MGP AND UGP. Continued The
focus was then Meger followed by opinion poll,state with Kon and Marathi as
State language.The seeds of hate took deep roots in the psyche of people
.The number of splinter groups of UGP tried for recognition and breaking of
same votes In this scenario MGP thrived.Finally Shashi ikala for self
protection disbanded MGP and joined Congress..MGP under  Kalap took rebirth
untill he also jumped on  the Congress wagon. Congress ruled with hopes and
aspirations and at least state and language  flourished. BJP  flew on the
wings of MGP untill they got a foothold  and legitimising the  process and
continued its presence by tinkering with the  system .Of late their
attempts to dig in after Parikar seem to be successful  by debatable means
for a party claiming to be different
The voters have seen the two main National parties trying unsuccessfully
to command vote share.
The only way to secure states interest is to constantly change  parties.The
progress claimed is no favour to continue again
APP survived the onslaught by popular opponents with all their might,
simply because the voters saw the merit in APP and in their performace
Goans too must provide and alternative and APP needs a chance to prove
itself as it has done in Delhi

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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