Albert writes:- Jesus fixed his religion on love. It was love that made God 
become flesh and dwell among us. The ten commandments are also based on love 
for God and love for human beings. The word love has vanished from the 
dictionary. Roman Catholics can win a gold medal for celebrating feasts in 
dozen. Every year we celebrate around 400 feasts but our lives have not changed 
at all. We speak loudly the words that have no meaning to us. God created every 
human beings but our earthly religions have divided us and made us bitter 
enemies. Our castes have put big huge partitions between us . Why ? why have we 
built such airtight compartments and have grown seeds of hatred between 
brothers and brothers sisters and sisters ? If a catholic boy wants to marry a 
hindu or muslim girl he has to climb and jump hurdles before he can marry her 
or him. So many times young boys and girls have ended their lives because they 
are left with no energy to win a battle. so many times the relations have 
caused bloodsheds and what not just because the boy selected by the girl from a 
particular family is not of that religion. how many of us really follow our 
religion as God wants us to follow ? Is the sun not shining on the hindus , 
muslims and christians ? even among the christians we have several demonitions. 
The Roman catholics feel they are superior because according to them Jesus 
donated his mother to them but the church received this donation only in 1917 
when the church was spliting. Quo vadis dommini. For whom did you shed your 
precious blood oh Lord when your sacrifice has gone into waste. Forgive us Lord 
for not knowing you. AmenĀ                                         

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