Goodness of doing good

Most humans are disposed  towards  benevolent activities towards others.
They do not seek gratification or rewards but are simply delighted to do
what they love best and do their best what they love . .The inspiration and
motivation is genuine concern and emphaty towards  others they come in
contact. Mothers love for her children is the greatest  sacrifice and
goodness that  has no parallel.Showering of goodness  by lovers, husband
wife, siblings,that  generosity is on a different level of relationship not
entirely selfless  .and there is expectation of return favour however
remote.The satisfaction of emptying oneself for the betterment of others is
intrinsically gratifying. Is God considered selfish in desiring that He be
loved and adored or is it the otherway, when we feel elated, sublimed or
overwhelmed within ourselves? Every action of doing good has its own value
and response   reaction is bound to be equal and opposite  that is  Newtons
law of motion. The pain that one endures  within on witholding deliberately
our response to do good is raging fire that consumes our own feel good
factor.The happiness one derives spontaneously of being able to make a
difference in the life of another leads to happiness unlimited .Similarly
the recipients  of goodness sometimes  also purposively show withdrawn
,subdued reaction or ignore such acts  as insignificant of recognition.May
be the feeling of guilt complex  is  their muted response
The ingratitude of those receiving favours can be heartless at times.when
the purpose and intention is not to make someone indebted or obliged, there
is no feeling of remorse or repentance .Why should  any one feel
disheartened  of doing good when one can for its intrinsic worth.?
Never resent ,repent  for doing good when opportunity presents itself.The
missed opportumity of witholding a good act by word ,  deed  on the
contrary   cause heart burns, for the  situation may not repeat itself.In
the cure of ten lepers only one displayed  sense of gratitude.It is the
part of human nature to be ungrateful then otherwise.
The multitudes  of humanity extending  help in times of calamities,
natural disasters  beyond relationship or even knowing those in distress is
goodness unlimited.Sometimes people do not openly wish to express gratitude
for favours received and such behaviour may not be adversely  interpreted
as ingratitude.It  is human nature to take advantage when in need and
expect understanding as a matter of right and duty. You can only wonder and
laugh at such acts of indifference ,for that will put one at  ease and
If gratitude alone was precondition and motivation, goodness of human
nature would be lost in the wilderness and occean of ingratitude.Some may
seek and make you feel guilty but others are embarassed aeffusive thanks
as they neither maintain ,keep diary  or   have   records  and counts of
benevolent acts
People often delay till death , as funeral oratories and obituaries are
recognition of  out pouring of gracious goodness  It could have had
multiplying effect of furthering that gift when the oerson was alive.How
does  one feel at the expression of the debtor that he does not remember
what  he owes? The audacity of others that good acts are in the nature  of
an opportunity and nothing to brag or boast about.Do you remember  that for
all the miracles, favours Jesus was crucified  and  those that were granted
favours had no voice  or the courage to defend his senseless  murder.Even
if one  does not acnowledge gratitude directly doing a good turn to another
is much more gratifying.

Wedding gifts bouquets,  funeral obituaries are acknowledged  in general
and publicly and are impersonal , adding insult to injuries by stating
regrets and inability to thank individually.  Was the invitations to your
celebration general or personal.? Special thank you notes, commercial
cards  are the best , personal means to show appreciation even though  it
is not expected  but it keeps relationship and friendship  warm and  alive
The piece of wedding cake says *thanks* and that is a good gesture
The acceptance of goodness and communicating it does good good to both and
often an encouragement  to enhance  human nature of being and doing good
Gratitude is the milk of human kindness that provides nourishment to do
acts of generous magnanimity for the wrlfare of humanity.What is the reward
for philanthrophy if not good of humanity?

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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