Politicians give clean chit to covid facilities treatment centres

MLA  ,minister  politicians etc give a clean chit to Govt facilities for
Covid 19 treatment  Unlike common man they do not need health card
,permissiobs to be admitted in the best of private hospital  anywhere
including abroad for  secure confortanle treatment
It is all free reimbursement at public cost
It is the declaration of pathetic state of affairs  at Govt centres  with
lack of  facilities ,like beds, drugs, oxygen, food and attendants,
doctors,  etc.
They know that is graveyard for helpless people
That is why in life, sickness and death politicians  tap on piblic funds
with impunity  and take best of treatment with tax payers money Remember
one spent a whooping 14 crores, yet did not survive
May they survive  to fight another term for everyterm increases their
pensions et al
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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