Oh dears,

I just got a call from Fr. Bismarque Dias of Merces to inform me that a few
activist leaders of Siridao Village which has been protesting against the
Mega Project coming up there for some time now have been chargesheeted by
the Agacaim Police on the complaint by the Siridao Sarpanch and the
Secretary that they have been assaulted by these persons during the recent
uproarious gram sabha. It is a fact that every gram sabha throughout Goa is
becomeing uproarious  because the elected members of the panchayats along
with the respective secretaries have been acting as agents of the
politicians who in turn are actually the agents of moneybags mega builders
who have actually taken over from our purchasable politicians. It is
believed that this charge of assault is a mere gimmick to break the
leadership of this Siridao activism against the upcoming mega project. I am
told that no such assault has taken place and all the people who attended
the gram sabha are witness to this.

A call has gone out all GOA for the leaders of anti-mega projects around Goa
to come to the Agacaim Police station before 3.00 p.m. tomorrow when the
police is supposed to make the non-bailable arrests of the few Siridao
Activists. I have promised Fr. Bismarque Dias that I shall be there to lend
my support as one of the mega  activist citizen of Goa.

It has become a rule nowadays for the panchayats to organise the disruption
of the proceedings of the gram sabhas so that the people cannot ask too many
embarrassing  questions. Let me give a fitting example.

There is a seeming active but dormant agitation in Moira against the
upcoming (not yet started) Acron Project which is putting up 15 high-ended
bungalows costing Rs. 2.50 crores +, each with its own swiming pool. The
protest is because the panchayat has not only blindly forwarded the
construction file to the authorities, but also has given the building
permission, without even a whisper. That the entire panchayat is on the take
is evident from the fact that all 7 panchayat members are defending the
project. The property in question has a steep gradient and the authorities
have manipulated the passing of the file showing a small portion having  a
steep gradient.

Well that is not the point I am trying o make. The point is large number of
people are now attending gram sabhas and a lot of embarrassing questions are
being asked. Since the Moira panchayat hall is small, the people suggested
that the next gram sabha may be held in the premises of the Moira Club which
is next door, with the free usage of the premises as well as the free public
address system. Infact a resolution was passed to this effect to hold the
gram sabha at the Moira club on trial basis just once. A couple of the panch
members were against this arrangement at that  time with the sarpanch in
agreement. However, last Sunday's gram sabha was held in the open space in
front of the panchayat, inside an erected  polythelene covered shamiana, an
that too when it has been raining cats and dogs literally throughout the
last week. Moreover no thought was given to bring in the public address

Anticipating objections to this holding of the gram shaba in this manner,
the panchayat solicited the support of a large contingent of anti-social
elements to raise hue and cry when questions were asked about this
arrangements. The sarpanch even resorted to lying when asked if he had
obtained the NOC from the Comunidade. Most of the time, with heavy
downpours, it was impossible to even hear a word due to the noise created by
the falling rain over the polythelene sheeting, added by the noise of the
passing traffic on the adjacent main road. The answer the sarpach gave was:
The panchayat members were unanimous in the decision to hold the gram sabha
as it was. He had no answers when he was asked if the panchayat members'
decision is supreme or that of the gram sabha. There was a heavy contingent
of police present which is a shame for Moira as this has not happened
before, except during a controversial No Confidence Motion, only once that I
remember of.

The following resolutions have been passed in this gram sabha vis a vis the
mega projects coming up in the future in the village.

1. That any building project costing more than 50 lac rupees must be put
before the gram sabha before the file is forwarded to the authorities.
2. That in case a construction is having more than 2 residential units, an
STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) installation should be made mandatory.
3. That no building in the village should have a height exceeding that of
the tree top height, meaning  'no ground plus two', only ground plus one.
4. No bore wells to be allowed.
5. Septic tank airing pipe  to have a permanently installed 'anti-mosquito'
adapter fitted.

The big question now is:
Where are our elected representative who are the legislator ?
Shouldn't these legislations come from the august Legislative Assembly?
Where is the health authority?
Why are there mosquitoes around  365 days a year when Goa saw mosquitoes
only during monsoons??

I am going to be at the Agacaim Police station tomorrow at 3 p.m. to lend
moral support to the men and women who are fighting injustices and threats
of arrests for being responsible citizens.

Are U ??


Kind regards


PS: I am hearing that the next Legislative Assembly Session is going to amend the Panchayati Raj Act to dilute the powers of the Gram Sabha. I wonder if our Goa Legislative Assembly has enough powers to dilute the powers of the Supreme Court of India !! Only hope so.

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