
The Special Investigation Team (SIT), probing major cases of 2002
anti-Muslim Gujarat riots on Tuesday slammed reports that riots witnesses
were tutored to give false evidence for exaggeration of the situation, by
activists and organisations helping the victims.

The SIT rebuttal followed the alleged leak of its report recently, which was
submitted to the Supreme Court in March. “The findings of the report have
concentrated on the investigations into the cases and it was not our
business to indulge in the blame game and level allegations,” a senior SIT
official said.

The SIT response to the reported leak came on a day, when the Supreme Court
termed the leak as a “betrayal of the faith reposed in those to whom the
report was allowed access”.

A news story in an English daily last week claimed access to the
confidential SIT report, and allegedly quoted from it, that the “rights
activists cooked up macabre tales of wanton killings”. It further stated 22
witnesses who had “submitted identical affidavits relating to riots were
found tutored.”

Asked about the leaked contents of the report, the SIT chief, R. K. Raghavan
told Hindustan Times that he could not confirm whether the leaked contents
were true.

“I am answerable only to the Supreme Court. The alleged reported leaks
appear to be inspired by dubious motives. I cannot confirm such claims. The
act is highly condemnable,” Raghavan said.

Raghavan, a former CBI chief, said the priority for the SIT, which was
formed on the orders of the Supreme Court in March last year, now was “to
ensure a free, fair and speedy trials of the riots cases investigated by the

The SIT sources said the alleged leaks appear to have been based on
statements of state police officials and “cannot be termed as findings of
the report.”

The secret contents of the SIT report, on the basis of which BJP leader and
former Gujarat minister Maya Kodnani was arrested, have been a topic of high

The SIT has probed one of the worst riots in the country in recent years,
the official toll for which now has been revised to 1180.


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