Since this is something Goa has been suffering without proper remedy
for too long , herewith the article  sent to Herald (published edited
a bit)and  Justices S B Deshmuk and U D Salve thought it espoused
public cause and converted it into a PIL:

                                              WHO WILL BELL THE CAT?
                                                      The Chief
Minister had assured in the Assembly that his government will have
zero tolerance for corruption. He had also disclosed, somewhat
contrary to his assertion, that out of 30 cases of corruption accepted
since June 2007, investigations have been completed in only 12 cases.
This is the bane of our Politics and Institutions. Someone rightly
said Poly is many and Ticks suck blood. Today  electrical equipment is
essential for our security and safety and affects every facet of our
lives. We cannot afford to tolerate the present state of affairs. My
tryst with trying to improve the power supply scenario starts with the
Goa State Consumer Protection Council (CPC, of which I am a member)
Meeting at the Secretariat on 27/11/06.  When the Chairman observed
that I started voicing too many facts and figures and unpleasant
truths regarding losses to Industry and Consumers, he cut me short
with asking the Chief Electrical Engineer to hold a meeting with me
and do the needful. I followed up with a meeting in Vidyut Bhavan at
1.30 PM on 5/12/06, thereafter handing over and also inwarding the
letter which informed inter alia, that the Verna Industrial Estate
with 275 units suffered 47 blackouts, Kundaim Industrial 85 blackouts,
resulting in huge financial losses. There are reportedly 6340
registered units in 22 Industrial Estates. Imagine the frustration and
financial losses! Besides blackouts there are brownouts (due voltage
fluctuation) which causes havoc to electrical equipment of consumers
everywhere in homes, hospitals, cold-storages, old age homes etc with
resultant fallout in water supply and so on. I listed specific
suggestions separately for IMMEDIATE, FUTURE, and STRATEGIC PLANNING.
But all my homework on the subject and efforts were treated lightly.

 But I dont give up easily.This SAME matter was brought up, 2 years
later, at the next Council Meeting in the Secretariat on 25/04/08. The
present Chairman Minister Jose Philip DSouza assured me at that
meeting, that under his watch, things would move efficiently.  But all
went back to “Business As Usual”, and not even one meeting of the CPC
was called thereafter, which is violative of The Consumer Protection
ACT, which requires at least two meetings to be held EVERY year! But
who can think of punishing anyone in the government for negligence,
dereliction of duty or non compliance with ACTS? After many unanswered
reminders sent via the Member Secretary CPC, I visited the Vidyut
Bhavan and was surprised to find that the Department could not even
find the letter I  had officially submitted, leave alone act on it!.
Thereafter can you believe they even lost the Xerox copy I submitted
personally to the concerned engineer! In the meantime a scam was
reported in the newspapers regarding Street Lights CFLs supplied. The
matter even came up in the Assembly! Just like in the present
Assembly, the wasteful expenditure in the matter of Fridges, Air
Conditioners, TV sets, cutlery etc for Ministers pointed out by the
opposition leader was a laughing matter with no serious action, this
CFL scam was passed over. So I decided to investigate and found to my
surprise that the CFLs were some unknown make (The box and CFL had no
markings of where or who manufactured), most supplied defective at my
area sub-station, and all over Goa failure rate reportedly around 85%.
They could have been manufactured in Timbuktu, but it was disclosed in
the Assembly that there was no ISI stamp as they were Chinese make.
How could this pass through our elaborate tendering and stores supply
quality control procedures, when more reliable and better quality ones
are manufactured in India?
 I therefore went under RTI and was shocked to find out the facts. It
was an ordeal to get PIO replies, one from Vidyut Bhavan, Panaji and
another from Store Workshop, Margao. I was charged Rs16/- (Rs2/page)
for the reply. But that is another story. These replies showed the
lacunae which was included in a letter to the CEE with 4 enclosures.
photo of umpteen electrical equipment destroyed due faulty power
supply).The Department has no quality control wing, and important
material is tested by MRT Lab by random selection. There is also no
methology to check the life of CFLs. Since they are guaranteed for 12
months (as against 8000 hours specified on the container) therefore no
enquiry is held as there is no loss to the exchequer! I wonder how
many defective CFLs were replaced and how many of those supplied are
in use to date.  The suppliers were paid Rs 51,54,056/-.  I understand
from Porvorim Sub Station, that after the experience with these CFLs,
they indented for sodium lights, but they are told to cancel that and
ask for CFLs.

 I am still waiting for a reply from the CEE. (Without casting any
aspersions, I cannot understand why government reported policy for no
extensions keeps being flouted and I understand he is getting his 5th
extension of service after retirement.)  Reference news in Gomantak
Times 22JULY09 ( besides other media) under headline POLITICIANS
of the electrical department are under severe pressure to withdraw
consent given to police to prosecute two employees misappropriating
revenue of around 55 lakhs.  Another recent scheme reportedly has
distributed Chinese made CFLs to BPL people. I trust these will be a
boon to the beneficiaries.

CONCLUSION- If even a CPC member gets scant attention, there is no
significance attached to concrete suggestions made, and assurances
given not honoured without explanation .If the Consumer Protection Act
can be regularly flouted with impunity, there is no accountability or
transparency in administration, in fact cover up and protection to
dereliction of duty is practiced with impunity, the Chief Ministers
assurance of zero tolerance for corruption has little meaning. If even
ex-MLAs can get Laptops/Computers, why are simple things like supply
of mobile communication sets and FRP ladders for safety and improving
efficiency not given to linesman? The Vidyut Bhavan itself and its
whole organization in Goa needs complete overhaul in administration. I
suggest work study by an outside organization to straighten out the
chaos and lack of order and discipline. I found engineers not clear in
their duties and responsibilities, loss of my important letter, staff
idly reading newspapers at 11AM! There must be a serious enquiry into
the CFL street lights scam and why Chinese make was preferred by our
government to encouraging Indian manufactured items. The fallout will
minimize corruption, siphoning and wastage of funds, eliminate
possibility of procurement of sub standard goods and better control
for timely supply of strictly monitored good quality stores at sub
stations. Planned upgrading education of all staff, weeding out
corrupt/drunk on duty/incompetent staff (see photos of pole and
transformer contributing to blocked drain), trained meter readers with
identification badges, area wise fixed dates for meter reading/billing
like BSNL is doing is required. Every shut down /brown out (including
local area) felt by the consumers must be correctly recorded for
correct statistics, and trained telephone operator to receive
complaints is an important requirement. These will also be crucial in
disaster management, besides consumer questions/complaints will be
quickly answered/solved at source. Telephone / Television cables are
strung on electric poles, and haphazard overhead wiring can be
dangerous since there is poor monitoring and control. Lastly I would
advise the Department to give publicity to educate your Consumers,
which will help in controlling illegal siphoning of power, cutting of
trees, safe stringing up of power lines and so on with peoples
understanding and cooperation. Last but not the least; please note
Mahatma Gandhi’s advice which is in essence that the Government
Departments exists for the benefit of the Consumer and not the other
way around.

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