I saw the column by Vivek Menezes on the commandeering of space in 
the Adilshah Palace by the "Smart City" apparatchiks. None of this 
surprised me.

In 2015 I attended the "Smart City" symposium at Hotel Fidalgo where 
the then-MLA Kuncalienker made the laughable claim that Goan activists 
were putting his child's future in peril. Within 5 seconds, I had figured 
out what this "Smart City" schtick was all about: yet another opportunity 
to make money by the venal and unscrupulous gutter bugs we have here. 
If that was all there is to it, you could shrug it off. What's another few 
crores between friends? 

But what was also clear to me was that THEY WERE GOING TO RUIN 
PANJIM in the process. 

For a couple of years, I have been posting here snaps of the doings of 
the "Smart City" crew, most noticeably along the Campal sidewalk and 
surrounds. This was easily predictable, that one by one they would get 
to all that we hold dear. If you think it won't affect something of value 
to you, think again.

I also saw Wendell's appeal to the national media. I like Wendell very 
much, but I am perplexed by his faith in the national media. This is the 
same media that has been telling the country for years that a certain 
Goan politician "from IIT" is "clean and honest." (I have resolved since 
Feb 2018 not to remark publicly on this politician and that is all I am 
going to say here for now.) And these assholes are going to suddenly 
discover the truth now?

Finally - the one thing you do not want to do is ever take advice from 
non-Goan Indians on matters related to Panjim and/or Goa. I mean, 
which Indian toilet-city should be hold out as our model?


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