Things looking bleak for them, Rolly.   Once home to 80,000
Christians,  Aleppo has none left, today.  Very little remains of the historical
city, just rubble.
         If the Galilee is special to the Christian ethos, much as Bam in Iran 
is to
Zarusthrans and Medina to Muslims, then Ugarit-Aleppo lives very much in my
Hindu heart.  It was here that Baal and consort Anath first made an appearance
on Mount Sapan, with Kumarbi somewhere in the zone.  Supreme for milleneia, 
Baal had to battle the Semitic Yahweh for hearts and minds: he would lose the 
 eventually,unable to deliver what was expected of a god in a desert- rain.  He 
to a secure home, Iran, along with some of his Arya wards. The Kaltics 
westerly, the Dunaris north to Germania, both turning pagan-barbarian in the 
process. Yahweh's great- grandson, the Christ, attempted to make amends, in 
later years.
        Suria and Iran should reclaim history, and discard the false messengers 
never ceased to crawl out of the barren Great Rift.     eric.

 From: Roland Francis <r

Hi Eric,
Thorougly enjoyed your post of Baylor University's Prof Jenkins' analysis
of the possible Christian annihilation if Obama succeeds in bombing the
country which may lead to Bashir Assad's removal.


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