Home turns into a house

Everyone's dream in life is to own a hone. It is the place  that is an
archive of all our life's  , aspirations and dreams entomed within the
walls ,    good and  not so pleasant experiences. Home is where we  are
born, grow up  and are very much emotionally  attached.It is our roots  and
identity in the surroundings .No matter where we may travel for work and
tours,, Home beckons  us to return to recount and recollect all our
glorious moments  we shared with  our parents , grand parents and our
siblings.No wonder ,  we spent a fortune to construct it like a monument of
our desires .No expenditure is excessive to provide the best of comforts
and accessories, as that is one place we spend the maximum hours of our
waking life .We are deeply possessive of this little den .May be some can
own the luxury of our  own  home but many have to seek accomodation in a
rented house or  an  apartment. Nevertheless  the sentiment and emotions
associated with the home  are  at variance.we are more concerned with
permanent address as it is a requirement for obtaining many services. The
owner of rented premises does not permit the use of house number , address
to avoid legal complications of claims
The owners of homes spend a life time, planning, remodelling, renovating  ,
extending , painting  and providing  other amenities.Hence they are
emotionally involvelled and thus get attached. Many a sentiments  lead to
possessiveness. In the west people change their homes as they move to
another place for work or simply relocate  for one reason or otherr.Wealthy
individual have  have the concept of holiday homes even abroad  .where they
shift ocassionaly  for a break in routine and  environment. The idea of
permanent home often leads to conflicts of various types but such
misunderstanding  and fights in the west  between neighbours are not so
intense or frequent. Good neigbhourly relations are necessary for peace and
accomodation of live and let live .The sentiments are so profound that
disposing of our homes  are a rarity absolutely out of necessity. We prefer
to maitain them as  adorable  relics  .The new habitat or  settlement is
most preferable in the surroundings of our ancestral
neighbourhood.Relocating  in a complete unfamiliar terrain  is not always a
welcome proposal.
A new situation is in the offing due to families migrating in search of
employment  and better life.The number of inhabitants dwindle and finally
lead to closure of our  wonderful homes. Once settled abroad there is no
intentions to return . The elderly and lonely shift to care homes etc as
they no longer have the comfort of their loved ones Senior citizens are at
a  risk of  staying lonely Besides they often need medical and other
assistance apart from  company.The tresult is that many a palacial houses
are closed  and may soon crumble for want of maintenance. There is also a
real threat of being illegally occupied  and such instances are a galore
.Homes and properties  are  illegally sold rented, broken open to take
possession . The surrounding compounds , garden , fruit bearing trees are
forsaken .The place sports a desolate look with overgrowth of bushes etc
you  may happen to recall the place which was once bustling with life and
activity  is now quiet and in ruins. The attitude and sentiments no longer
hold that attachment .With the passage of time our interests too undergoes
change  and now that home which meant everything once  in our life our  the
precious  possession  is unwanted .Besides the new generation grown  and
educated outside have no attachment at all or emotional bonding with the
roots .They would not like to live here and abandon their comforts and
So one day sooner or later the home of our roots  will be converted into
just a house
This trend in Goa is fast catching up. Our generations are migrating ib
search of greener pastures. Naturally it has led to influx of people from
other states of India Goa is now el dorado for them .We have to accept that
we too soon will be strangers as our numbers decrease rapidly also due to
family planning concepts..The ancestral homes to maitain on short trips are
time consuming  , expensive with   paucity of labour .The children settled
abroad also feel that visits to home every year is redundant as with the
same expense they can visit and enjoy new  places.The lure of visits may
diminish  with absence of old parents The precious possessions  and
belongings are no more attractions in  utalatian or value  .The once
sentimental  home now in shambles and ruins  will be soon be  a new house
to a  prospective buyer   Whereever we work and live that is our new home
or a house temporary in nature The tears , sacrifices the resources we
invested in making  home our roots  are now a distant past .Home is always
the house we live in  and its in transient state.
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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