
Homeless invited to Vatican for dinner and private tour
 The event is part of a series of initiatives aimed to helping the poor

Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. (Photo by Bohumil Petrik/CNA)

Elise Harris for Catholic News Agency, Vatican CityInternationalMarch 25, 2015

In addition to food, umbrellas, sleeping bags, showers and haircuts, 
the Vatican is now offering Rome’s homeless the gift of beauty.

On Thursday afternoon, 150 homeless persons will receive a special 
ticket for the Vatican Museums given by the office for papal charities. 
They will then be divided into three separate groups with a guide, 
Vatican Insider reports.

Before heading into the museums, the homeless guests will also 
receive a tour of Vatican City State, where they will pass by the pope’s
 residence in the St Martha guesthouse.

After making a first stop at the Carriage Pavilion, the groups will 
go on to the Upper Galleries — including the Gallery of the Candelabra 
and the Gallery of Maps — before visiting the apartment of Pius V and 
finally the Sistine Chapel itself.

The chapel will be closed to the public during the day in order to prepare for 
their guests that evening.

The homeless will have the opportunity to see and take in 
Michelangelo’s famous frescoes before pausing for a moment of prayer 
inside the chapel, which is traditionally where new popes are elected.

Guests will then head to the Vatican Museums’ restaurant, where they will be 
offered dinner.

In addition to having custodians help them carry their personal 
belongings – including backpacks, knapsacks, carts and even dogs – the 
homeless persons will also be offered headphones to use throughout their
 guided tour.

An initiative of papal almoner Archbishop Konrad Kraiewski, the visit
 is designed to show the city’s homeless population not just the beauty 
from outside the colonnades of St. Peter’s Basilica, but also the beauty
 within, which belongs to everyone, including those who have met 
misfortune and are living in poverty.

The initiative is the latest in a string of charitable initiatives 
enacted by the almoner on behalf of Pope Francis since his election two 
years ago.

In November of last year, Archbishop Kraiewski met a homeless man 
who said that although a sandwich was easy to find in Rome, a way to 
keep clean was not. As a result, the archbishop had the public bathrooms
 in St Peter’s Square remodeled to include showers and clean 
underclothes for those in need.

Completed in February of this year, the bathroom initiative rolled 
out alongside a haircut service for the homeless, who receive the free 
services on Mondays — when many other barbershops are closed — at the 
hands of volunteer stylists.

A string of other charitable events include the December distribution
 of sleeping bags for the homeless coinciding with the pope’s birthday, 
as well as the handing-out of 300 umbrellas to those living on the 
streets during Rome’s rainy month of February.

Pope Francis on Sunday commissioned 400 of Rome’s homeless residents 
to assist him in distributing a pocket-sized book of the Gospels to 
faithful who had gathered for his weekly Angelus prayer, saying to 
receive the Word of God from their hands was a reminder that it is the 
poor who preach the Gospel to us.

In addition to offering lunch to the homeless who helped in the 
square on Sunday, the pope’s almoner also helped to deliver 1,000 pounds
 of food to the poor in Rome’s Tor Bella Monaca neighborhood with the 
help of the Institute of Medicine Solidarity Onlus.

Used with the permission of Catholic News Service.

Original story: Vatican invites 150 homeless for dinner, private tour of 
Sistine Chapel

Source: Catholic News Agency


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