Rember , recognise our hero's   Chinchinim     our village which was
earlier  frguesia de Chinchinim  consisting of Sarzora ,Dramapur Sirlim
has been a cradle  of great  stalwarts in every conceivable field  of human
endeavour.  They have achieved  heights of excellence in their respective
 fields  and  some also have been passionately committed to social
upliftment. Panchayat  for the very first time has made a praise worthy
begining by  felicitating  many an individual  thus taking cognisance   .
May be those that are left out unitentionally or otherwise  will  find a
deserving recognition in the next round .A few tournaments and a song
dedicated to  soccer players   is another small step in the direction
Panchayat has installed  head stones marking Village roads namely Cyril
Ferrao, Prof CA Gomes, Dr.Alvaro Furtado  and a statue of Inacio Loyola
Furtado largely  with the support of the family .  Private initiatives of
family with the sanction of local bodies have installed road signs for
Dr.Olive Mascarenhas .FrPresentacao. The rest of our  luminaries have
largely been ignored because of want  of  better plans to  perpetuate their
memories .The Village that does not honour and recognise their prominent
persons stands to lose..P.C Trust has taken a step further  documenting
soccer players  Refrees. Goalkeepers   tournaments, PEd. Teachers  grounds,
clubs ,playwrigts,    actors ,singers, musicians   mando promoters
 ,Doctors , Headmasters , Portuguese, artisans . Primary schools
 .Villagers have founded awards in memory of Carlos Rodrigues, Fr. Oscar de
Mello Furtado.Fr Presentacao Furtado, Fr Nascimento Furtado Fr.Jose Antonio
Costa . Sr. Dolores, Cypriano Lopes , Rumaldo Cunha ,Cardinal Fillipe Neri
Ferrao  Eng Filipe Neri Rodrigues , Cyril Ferrao .Besides families have
instituted awards/ Scholarships  in honour of  their loved ones in
Academics ,Sports, Music  , Teachers,  P.Ed teachers , Aid  for text books
, uniforms, medical  and elders  ,  extending to AVCC & even  beyond the
Geographical borders   of the Village . The Trust in 6  publications both
in prose and poetry have  resurrected  with histories  a  large number of
otherwise forgotten individuals  both from Chinchinim and beyond .Martin
Pereira and Cypriano Lopes, Eng Francis Lopes have publications dedicated
in their honour .Hand bound books with potos and articles  remind about
Xavier Rumaldo Cunha .Fr Antimo Gomes .Publicity in print media to Fr Pazi
Fernandes , Fr JA da Costa. FR Alfredo Monteiro , past priests , Cyril
Ferrao , Ida De Mello, Vassant Bandodkar , Felicio Cardoso, Martin Pereira
. Fr J A costa Monument to St Judas , Fatima statue at Bondorim , lotus
Crest at Sarzora  find mention .Printed coloured  folders and cards  have
been presented to many recording, appreciating  their contributions.There
is awareness that in honouring our stalwarts  we are honouring ourselves
and at the same time  making us proud of our heritage .It is hoped that in
recognition will be inspire and motivate our new generation  about
greatness of Village thro the contributions of  our past stalwarts .nelson

Nelson Lopes

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