 TRI Continental Film Festival - Dona Paula, Goa, Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2007


For public viewing. Registration at  The International Centre Goa.  (Ph: 
+91-832-2452805 to 10)

              Online Media Partner:  http://www.GOANET.org

--- "Frederick [FN] Noron  ha * फ्रेड 
रिक न  ोरोंया"

 Me. Maybe the word "no" is an overstatement. But the
> term "restricted"
> would certainly be true! Thanks Gadgil for putting
> this issue squarely
> on the agenda. FN
First of all let me say I have the utmost respect for
Mr Gadgil. Sitting here in the US I cannot vouch for
the veracity or lack thereof of his article, but I do
have the following questions and observations:

a) The article is too amplified which gives one the
impression that Goans (especially South Goans)
collectively are an intolerant lot, which they are

One paragraph states:
"The attempts to thwart the fundamental rights of
Muslims have included cases where they have been
denied the permission for a burial ground, those where
they are prevented from praying in their own premises,
and others where they are not allowed to build
structures for religious education"

>From what I recall reading, the purchase of that land
for burial was itself in dispute. As for praying in
their own premises is concerned, can we as Christians
pray at anyone's house and then steadily or
(stealthily) convert that house into a Church? Surely
not! The same rules have to apply to Muslims.
Makeshift premises for prayers cannot then be turned
into permanent Masjids. 

As for the imparting of "religious" education, this
should not be the concern of individual citizens but
it should be the concern of the state machinery. In
this day and age, should we be party to children being
denied a secular education and in lieu be the
beneficiaries of a "religious education" that is a
great dis-service to them in life? Surely, this puts
into action a self-perpetuating cycle of being
disenfranchised by lack of education, opportunities,
of being forced to live on the economic fringes of
India and then finding themselves to be fertile ground
for radicalisation.

These are tough questions, but their answers cannot be
the superficial appeasement of minorities, whoever
they are.


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    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
      • ... Carvalho

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