How to stop horror of rapes in India
Rapes followed by ghastly  murders are  to obliterate proof.  Rapes of
toddlers, young girls are not due to any provocations.Why girls in
saries,salwar kameez get raped?The desires erupt in the minds  .Girls are
vulnerable due to movement of  women liberation,education and
employment,where as earlier girls were  married young Age of marriage is
raised to stop exploitation, continue education,  health concerns  and
population control. .Child marriages still prevalent are legalised  rapes
.Gang rapes to satisfy  animal lust against defenseless girls are
 . Rapes in confines of homes ,schools, work places    by relatives  often
go  unreported by family pressure and honour.So are such crimes in rural
areas and villages..The stigma is on women and their future is bleak..The
prolongued legal procedure defends the rapists with all excuses. SExual
Education  at home   schools may be desirable  and so too self defence
against predators.Provocative dresses in some cases may excite the emotions
in some, which can be taken care of.Look at the advertising agencies bill
boards  using women to lure and attract attention.The photographic content
on the internet has much to influence sexual crimes BROTHELS have not
provided a safety valve  to depraved individuals .Death sentence  has not
been a deterrent to desired extent Criminals convicted of such crimes get
parole.Life sentence of 20 years has to undergo a sea change .If sexual
education is to stop  them,then sexuak crimes involving medical profession
has not been the rarest of rare ocassions .Social outrage or ostracization
has little effect due to relocation, migration.Deaty penalty at least stops
such criminals in advancing their crimes further. The penalty must be very
swift at least within 3 / 6 months at the most.The juveniles committing
such heinous crimes must not have exclusion clause. Prevention of sexual
crimes ,rather than detection and punishment must be priorities.Women
police stations,sexual harassment  in all work places, state and central
women safety organisations must function without fear or favour.Political
interference  must not be tolerated Imagine  such crimes in police station
or prisons. or sexual favours in judiciary even.The parents nightmare is
safety of women and their best guarantee is marriage putting the onus
thereon on  the husband.Rapes continue with force ,cohercence,fear,
promises  etc. The cry is for public executions  and immediately.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinimm

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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