--- Philip Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Had it not been for the Punjabis, the Marwaris, the
> Biharis and the
> purbiyas, Mumbai would have remained the fishing
> community that it was. The
> migrant nature of the city is what gives it the
> luster and sheen. It creates
> a kind of positive energy that marks immigrant
> nations like the US or
> Canada.

Dear Philip, 
As much as I would love to blame Modi for all the ills
that ail India, the author is being disingenuous here.

We don't have to wonder, how this will play out in
Goa, it is already playing out exactly as it is in
Mumbai and will become more amplified as the years go
on. The truth is, human beings cannot be expected to
live in cramped quarters, struggling for resources
spread thin and then watch benevolently as further
cannibalisation of limited resources takes place by
new entrants. It is barely tolerable in places like
America and Canada, where populations are relatively
limited and even here the same debate is a serious
election issue.

Mumbai has a population of over 18 million people,
making it the fourth largest populated city in the
world, with the largest slum in south-east Asia to its
dishonour. The author fails to mention that half this
population, which would mean approx. 9 million people
live in desperate poverty. The idea that everyone in
Mumbai makes money is optimistic at best.

Almost all of India's problems can be attributed to
its population problem. India's most pressing and
urgent need of the hour, is to figure out how to shift
resources from urban centers into rural areas, thereby
restricting a shift of labour from dire rural poverty
to equally undesirable urban poverty. The second most
important thing is to contain the populations of Bihar
and the Pradeshis of India.

Let us not forget for one minute, that it is infact
big industry that deliberately enjoys the fruits of
the unorganised labour, as it effectively means they
don't have to contract them, don't have to pay a
minimum wage, don't have to ensure their health,
sanitation or safety and can make them work in abysmal
conditions. Simultaneously, municipalities who are
hand-in-glove, will then turn a blind eye as slums
sprout in conditions not fit for even animals to
survive in, and every other activity and malaise from
prostitution, gambling, crime and disease runs
rampant. So while big industry enjoys subsidised
labour, the city rots.

There is no use in constantly asking people to do,
that which they are simply incapable of doing. Being
gracious in the face of despair and that unfortunately
is what Mumbaikars are feeling.


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