Resolution on human right violation
The USA resolution on human right violations in Sri Lanka,is backed by
France  and others There has been documented footage of massacre of about
40,000 civilians in chilling ,systematic genocide. There is now a new video
of senseless killing, bullet ridden  12 year son of Tamil Tiger,
Prabakaran. It does evoke  natural sympathy, when the facts are seen in
isolation .The LTTE have mercilessly butchered thousands of innocent
citizens, including their own, during the struggle for independent state
,within that country and vouched for nothing else. The forceful induction
of young members and brigade of human bombs, did it violate human rights?
Sri Lanka had declared war against the Tigers and everything is fair in
love and war . The violators are often brought to justice  in war crimes
,as the part of civilized understanding of excesses in wars. The LTTE in
their diabolic plan extinguished the life of youn Rajiv Gandhi in a
dastardly manner. Did they violate human rights ?
 India is in double minds to take a stand, whether to back the USA
resolution of war crimes coming up in Geneva India is concerned about the
priority of safety and prosperity of that population of Tamilians in Sri
Lanka. It has to take into consideration  the sentiments of Tamil Nadu and
also the interest of China to meddle in trouble waters The resolution
passed by the Tamil Nadu  Assembly to free the murderers of the ex P.M
is abhorrent and insensitive to the death of Rajiv and smacks of double
standards and hypocrasy
There is no danger in this resolution being carried,, as it is not likely
to be supported by unanimous decision by countries involved The urging of
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to the P.M. to back the resolution has not
changed the wait and watch stand of Indian Government The USA could have
brought a resolution to expedite devolution of powers with autonomy to ful
fill the aspiration and long standing demands of the Tamil population.
Besides the track record of human right violations in
Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay do not make that country above board. The
rehabilitation of Tamil population and this vital process is taking place
at a snail place and  which should  be the priority of any concerned Nation
, including India
Tamil Nadu must understand that the war of separatism being fought in
Kashmir  is a festering wound and that India will never acceed to such anti
National demands of amputations, as the solution to the  war of
Independence. India cannot condone the atrocities committed by the Tigers,
however noble their cause, the means do not justify their ends India
therefore as a tight rope to walk balancing International concerns and
domestic sentiments, not forgetting the Geo political ramifications.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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