A new wave of hurting religious sentiments is sweeping across the country
.Umbrage is taken even of  the slightest slip of the tongue .Contents are
blown out of proportion and twisted  to make anarrative
The loose interpretation of the term need to be defined without ambiguity .
Politicians fuel these tensions by adding fuel to fire only to polarise the
voters for selfish ends.People are carried away by false sense of
religious pride or affiliations.  The hyper  sensitivity to religious
sentiments has almost taken a  curious turn.Violence  is let loose by
taking law into own hands, causing damage to life and property.The law and
order maintaining apparatus bends towards  the power centre for their line
of action and it is an unwritten code.The fringe elements  and fanatics  in
every religion rule the roost by inflammatory  expressions raising passions
and emotions towards destructive actions , emboldened by  support. .Often
these radical elements have no allegiance to any deep religious values,
practices, faith  but now display  or wear the mantle of  being bakts and
custodians of  beliefs.The events are capitalised to cause maximum
disturbances in the society with the sole aim to put a wedge between
communities creating enmities  to light the fire of Communal violence.The
more the confusion the better the prospects of chaos .Any ripples must be
nipped in the bud, but politicians are always accused of being complacent
and interfering with the system  .The social and print made  do not act
fairly, deliberately mislead  or act  with  partisan motives .Of late
communal flare ups  are dangerously  eroding the safety of communities at a
drop  of hat   Hence care should be exercised that peaceful resolution be
made the bone of contention quickly by conciliatory moves . Religion  is a
personal matter and as such freedom of beliefs must be respected. The
superiority or inferiority of beliefs and practices should not be
ridiculed, belittle our trivilised.
The need to confine religious practices to temples, mosques , churches
Gurudwaras is paramount The Processions on public roads and Open places to
express faith as a natter of right  not only  causes inconveniences but is
liable to  infuse mischief  and disturbances.  Hate and in flamatory
speeches as per SC  must be taken notice suo mottu by police .The majority
overpowering attitude threatens others and continued mistrust brews    like
a volcano waiting to erupt in furry  to consume  peace and stability .The
religious divide , pride and pseudo Nationalism and patriotism has spread
like a virus . The citizens must wake up and realise that the vested
interests and political class feeds on divide and rule .There is no point
in creating enemies between neighbours and friends for life  catching the
bait  of  religious intolerance. Manipur ,Gujerat riots and Sikh massacres
indicate how potent the virus of religious hate is .The perpetual
antagonism ingrained in our psyche   is a poison. The diversity in India is
the strenght   for unity and progress .Goa has always been a model for
communal unity as different religious communities have lived  in peace abd
harmony for centuries Parikar needs to be congratulated as he  banned
Mutalik   religious fanatic from spreading  virus of communalism . Attempts
to test the pulse of Goans have failed miserably so far
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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