I am sincere Goan lover of Romi Konkanni to  progress first and may be
later Devanagri Konkanni, and one day Goans may enjoy fame and importance
of this Romi Konkanni  as almost 99% talks at home in Konkanni and write
and read in Romi language.  Parrikar is playing his stunts and balancing
with Marathi and Konkanii, since he wants both, to satisfy all, as he wants
to stay ON in this CHAIR as CM,which everybody will have a  greed, may be
YOU and ME also, who knows!

My questions for the Dalgado Akademi is :

Why we should send a bad signal to our Fr Pratap Naik, who may be has
interest in Marathi but we should keep him with us and make him to
understand slowly that Marathi has no place in Goa. Once we ignore him we
are calling for more enemies within us.  Second question , why Tomazinho
Cardozo is playing hide and seek I know he is a great Konkanni lover and
wants Konkanni to progress and even he takes help from the Konkanni
Tiart/shows/writing books etec but I also feel why he does a hiding game
since he wants to be also in good terms with Parrrilkar and earlier with
Digamber? May be he feels they may help us one day? I do not understand
this game of Tomazinho? I feel everyone has a fault and that could be the
reason Konkanni not getting its proper place or importance. We say that we
should talk Konkanni everywhere , in weddings , writing etec etc but
Akademi themself writes in English in Goanet? and I too write or reply in
English? Was this a good job of ourselves? who are only giving sermons to
others. All I feel we ourselves wants to dominate and get importance and
fame. This way how Konkani will progress? Goans and especially the top guys
in Konkanni wants name and fame and there is a CRAB MENTALITY and because
of that we Goans will never come up and Konkanii will remain stagnated as
it is. Third question is we have many such types in Goa who are been
ignored when it comes to get position sitting among you in dais? Most of
them are been ignored. We should try to invite or call them or even beg
with them to bring more and more people especially Hindus and Muslims in
our fold.

Sorry if I have hurt somebody but this is my feeling in the interest of our
Goan language Konkanni.

Stephen Dias


date: 26.4.2014.

 From: Dalgado KonknniAkademi <dkakad...@gmail.com>
To: The Editor Gomantak Times <gtedi...@gmail.com>,     The Editor
        Gomantak Times <edi...@gomantaktimes.com>,
        Tomazinho Cardozo <tomazinho....@gmail.com>,    Pio Esteves
        <estevespi...@gmail.com>,       konkani disale <sunapar...@gmail.com
        "navhindaaa ." <navh...@gmail.com>, featu...@thegoan.net,
        goanobserver <goanobser...@hotmail.com>, goatoda...@gmail.com,
        vinayaknai...@gmail.com,        goa...@rediffmail.com, Gaspar
        <gasperalme...@gmail.com>,      goanet@lists.goanet.org,
 Frederick FN
        Noronha <fredericknoro...@gmail.com>,   Joel DS <joe...@gmail.com>,
        miguelbraganza <miguelbraga...@yahoo.co.in>,    joegoauk
        <joego...@yahoo.co.uk>, Ulysses Menezes <uly...@gmail.com>,
        Lobo <benedictl...@gmail.com>,  Edward Verdes
        <eddiever...@hotmail.com>, goa-book-c...@googlegroups.com,
        n...@sezariworld.com, lino dourado <libado23...@yahoo.com>,
        i...@goenche.com,       Bevinda Collaco <edi...@targetgoa.com>,
cook aplan
        <cookap...@gmail.com>,  Mandd Sobhann <mandd_sobh...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Goanet] Press note of Book release function
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


The Editor,
Dear Sir,

We have released 3 nos books in Konkani on 22nd June 2014 at Margao.  News
and photos of the same are attached herewith.  We kindly request you to
give good publicity to the same.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

*(Vincy Quadros)*



There was a time when Konkani was treated with contempt as a language fit
to be spoken in the kitchen but in spite of knowing its importance now we
are not giving Konkani the respect it deserves. In our wedding receptions
and other functions, we conveniently forget Konkani and take great delight
in using English, thereby offending the elderly persons present who do not
understand a word in English, said Fr. Eusebio Gomes, Editor of Konkani
weekly, *Vavraddeancho Ixtt*.

He was speaking as Chief Guest during the book release function organized
by Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) at Ravindra Bhavan?s Black Box in Margao
on Sunday, 22 June 2014. Also present on the dais were writers Mariano
Lucas Diniz, Jeetendra R. Fadte and Jack de Vasco whose books were released
besides DKA President Premanand A. Lotlikar, Secretary Vincy Quadros and
Treasurer Walter Menezes.

Not long ago, there was an enormous demand for literature in Romi Konkani
but things are different today and to sell even 500 copies is a difficult
task, regretted Fr. Gomes. He called upon everyone to read Konkani
literature to encourage and support the writers.

On this occasion, three Konkani books were released by Fr. Gomes - two
poetry books, ?Tuji Xokti? by Mariano Lucas Diniz and ?Zagor? by Jeetendra
R. Fadte and a book in tiatr form ?Ragan Kazar Mogan Divors ani Eksuro? by
Jack de Vasco. All the three writers briefly shared their views about the
books which were evaluated by Konkani writer and former Headmistress Irene

DKA President in his address highlighted his presence and that of Jeetendra
R. Fadte on the dais and said that it spoke volumes about the bond that
existed between Hindus and Christians as well as Muslims in the academy and
stated that the academy was making all efforts to increase Konkani
readership. An emotionally-charged Lotlikar regretted that in spite of
working round the clock for the development and progress of the academy
since taking over the DKA reins after February 2014 elections, there were
attempts made by a few members to cast stones at him and accused Fr. Pratap
Naik of being the mastermind  behind such moves. We have won the elections
with a thumping majority and since Fr. Pratap did not succeed to defeat us
in the elections, he has now launched a signature campaign to dislodge the
Present President by moving an Amendment in the constitution, Lotlikar
disclosed. He recalled the supreme sacrifice made by seven Goans ? and not
Mangaloreans - who laid down their lives to make Konkani the official
language of the state and questioned how Fr. Pratap could ever think of
working towards including Marathi also as the official language of Goa. He
said he was ready to lay down his life for the academy but will not allow
the sinister designs of Fr. Pratap to prevail.

In his welcome address, DKA Secretary Vincy Quadros highlighted the salient
features of Kombri scheme where all assistance and encouragement is
provided to the writers to publish their first book in an attempt to iron
out whatever difficulties that they may face,  thus paving the way for
their second book. Julio D?Cunha entertained the audience with a few choice
Konkani songs before the commencement of the function. P. Agnel Fernandes
compered the function while DKA Treasurer Walter Menezes delivered the vote
of thanks. The function concluded with the national anthem.

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