G 20  Presidency to crow about

Just before India took over INDONESIA occupied the slot.Hence it is not  a
big  position for India  to crow about.The boycott by Russia under the
cloud of Ukraine unjustified  war  of misadventure  may be justified .The
China flexing muscle  by not attending is a signal the powers attach to
this G20.The internal turbulence in India about attrocities , intolerance,
hatred has no impact on mighty powers.  It is economic might and industrial
progress that gives an edge in relationships and importance to the
Nation..The loud decibels about holding a unique session without prominent
Nations is a damp squib.The Nations gloating about India have  axe to grind
to promote trade and commerce and are least concerned about
democracy,dictatorship  or internal conflicts of India.China a prosperous
Nation with dictatorial regime cares two hoots about its Govt. In fact it
draws attention by its  industrial prosperity wooing Nations into its
fold.India is trying to carve out a place in world order with hope that it
will be accepted.It is dream of wishful thinking.We are decades behind
inspite the glow of Chadryaan 3 and other baby steps in space
exploration.India has still to manufacture civilian and military planes
tanks , submarines etc .It remains to be seen which Nations promote the
cause of India  to ascend to the role of the  world diplomacy.G20  will be
just another pompous exercise  of showcasing our might to participating
Nations extracting  their  own piece of pie
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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