In 2007, Mr Reginaldo Lourenco, contesting under the banner of  Save Goa
Front, took on the former chief minister, Mr Francisco Sardinha and defeated
him convincingly.


This time around, he has to fight for re-election on a Congress ticket and
has a formidable opponent - Mr Sardinha's son, Mr Shalom Sardinha. Mr
Reginaldo chats with Neshwin Almeida on development, the close contest and


Q: How do you read your constituency as you bid for a second term?

A: For a young gun in politics, there are always two phases; one to win the
first assembly election and second to remain in power. In the last elections
I ran a race from zero to hundred while the six-time MLA ran a race from
fifty to hundred. This time I can begin the race at 60. My performance,
delivery and development works I have carried out put me at that comfortable
position to start at 60. I see no challenge and even alone, I am a force to
reckon with.


Q: Does it give you the shivers to contest against the Congress MP and
former six-time MLA's son Shalom Sardinha?

A: Looking at their family history with the Congress, he is highly unlikely
to contest these polls.


Q: Will winning a second term mean demanding for a minister's portfolio if
the Congress comes to power?

A: I have no issues and no demands. My demand will be on myself to better my
position, to double my performance in terms of serving and delivering the
people's needs, especially in Curtorim. Besides development, I have no
agenda whatsoever.


Q: How will you approach the electorate this time? Will it be the same

A: They elected me once as they had faith in me. Against my name stands the
highest number of jobs given to the youth and the most development done. All
I have to tell the electorate is that, I won't let them down.


Q: What about delimitation? You lost certain areas and have gained others.
Also you face a demand for a panchayat split in Curtorim...

A: I will see that the people of Curtorim stand and stay united for all
purposes. I have toured Camurlim and Housing that are added to my
constituency and have chalked out plans to develop these areas that were
once ignored. Similarly, Sao Jose de Areal and Macazana are now in some
other constituency due to delimitation.


Q: What's your stand on the Regional Plan 2021 that the villagers oppose?

A: My stand has been the same from day one and will never flip flop. I don't
want the plan scrapped but the old settlement zone areas should be retained
with changes as requested by the panchayats.


Q: Do you think the Sardinha family sword will always hang over your head?

A: Politics is about dynamics. The good and bad of yesterday is the past.
The sword that hangs over my head is a paper sword. As long as there is
performance, people will stay with you so no question of these swords. The
people judge you on what one has done, is doing, will do and develop as an





Best Regards,



Mario F. D' Costa


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