India’s highest paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni by his blatant acts
of omission and commission has been by the day bringing utter disgrace to
the high Constitutional post of Advocate General. Recently Justice
V.R.Kingaonkar of the Pune Bench of the National Green Tribunal severely
rapped Atmaram Nadkarni while questioning him whether he was defending the
State of Goa or the Sesa Goa Mining Company. Is it not a relief that even
the Judges are now seeing through these devious plans of our very
manipulative Advocate General. Temples of Justice were never meant to be
sought to be converted into dens of chicanery. Does the official
remuneration of over Rs. 8 Lakhs per month, besides all other perquisites,
not suffice the Advocate General?

Many of the follies that the Manohar Parrikar government today finds itself
trapped in is on account of the adulterated legal advice he is getting from
the flamboyant Atmaram Nadkarni. Other Chief Ministers meet the Advocate
General once in a blue moon. Manohar Parrikar and Atmaram Nadkarni have a
conclave every sunset.  Is it more than mere legal advice? Or is there
interference by the Advocate General in the day to day governance of the
State? If Atmaram Nadkarni had any self respect remaining he would have
recused from advising or appearing for the government in matters pertaining
to Mining, Casinos and the Regional plan as he has been the legal messiah
guiding the cash rich Miners, Casino operators and the builders lobby who
every evening are seen lined up at his plush but controversial three floor
office on 18th June road. One of the kingpins of illegal mining is now his
regular visitor. Whether Dinar or Rupee is the mode of transaction is not
known. It is also well known how backroom manipulations are being done to
help certain lobbies grab the mining interests under the baton of this
Captain Haddock.

The RSS lobby within the BJP is rightly trying to get Saresh Lotlikar to
replace the controversial Atmaram Nadkarni who has ended up being a
liability and laughing stock for the government having become the centre of
conversation at all functions.

Despite his very dubious chequered record this master tantrik Atmaram
Nadkarni is now desperately lobbying laboriously for an elevation as Judge
of the Supreme Court. Wining and dining Judges will not clear this gory
route. It has also been revealed that he is grooming his relative and side
kick Dattaprasad Lawande to be a Bombay High Court Judge in 2017. Getting
Dattaprasad Lawande anointed as the Assistant Solicitor General is a step
towards that master plan.  If it all happens it would be the darkest ever
days in India’s Judiciary.

As the Advocate General should be a person who qualifies to be a High Court
Judge, his conduct too at all times should meticulously be that what is
expected of a High Court Judge. But the thick skinned Atmaram Nadkarni
stooped so low even to get the bill of his 50 birthday at the Taj in
Sinquerim footed by the public. As he will soon have a wedding in the
family, will we see that begging bowl doing the rounds again?

We all know that King Momo has fun and frolic at the State’s expense for
three days, but as to how long this King of all times will continue to
ruthlessly burden the tax payers of Goa  we will have to wait and see. If
Manohar Parrikar cannot see the writing on the wall, let us hope for some
Divine intervention to save the remains of Goa’s judicial turf from further
ignominy and degradation.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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