The timely intervention of the High Court has exposed the politically
manipulated reservation of Municipal wards that the ruling BJP was
malafiedly attempting to get away with. The High Court verdict has also
exposed the lack of autonomy and independence in the functioning of the
State Election Commission (SEC.  However the High Court’s deliverance of
Justice would be complete only when the officials and politicians
responsible for this skewed and slanted reservations are brought to book
and penalised.

The High court has rightly stopped this absolute fraud on the very
democratic process which if allowed would have been a sheer mockery of the
electoral process. It is anguishing that the SEC abdicated in its
Constitutional duty and allowed the whole process to be dictated and driven
by the politicians in Power.

The SEC is a constitutional authority which has to function truly
independent of the powers to be. For the last over four months Goa is
without a SEC while the charge has been given to the Law Secretary. How can
you expect a bureaucrat who is working under the Government to function
impartially as a SEC?

In other States the delimitation and reservation of Wards is all done by
the SEC. Unfortunately in Goa this work for the Municipalities is entrusted
to the Director of Municipal Administration and at the Panchayat level to
the Director of Panchayats.

It is imperative that delimitation and reservation should both be entrusted
to the SEC with proper rules and guidelines framed and that there is no
interference from Ministers and ruling MLAs in this process which ought to
be totally transparent and extremely fair beyond any doubt.

In a democracy free and fair elections are fundamental. In Goa the SEC
conducts the elections to the Zilla Parishad, Municipalities, Panchayats
and the Corporation of the City of Panaji.

The appointment of a SEC for Goa must be expedited and should be a person
of Eminence who can function very independently without any political
influence or interference. There is an urgent need to restore the sanctity
and now lacking sanity at the SEC by empowering it with independence and
autonomy by having all the safeguards in place to guarantee that it never
again does succumb to any political pressures or maneuvers whatsoever.

It is said that organizing free and fair elections is sacrosanct and more
important than the result itself. Abraham Lincoln had said “The ballot is
stronger than the bullet”. And so should it truly be.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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