The 25 ammendment of USA constitution deals with sedition, treason  and
there are enough  grounds and evidence to take  action. Impeachment process
is an alternative to show allegiance to the constitution  and send clear
message  agsinst the insurrection  motivated by by the President. Even if
the time  is limited and there is no support  from Republicans the
movement  need  to be initiated  as only measures possible  to show
indignation .
Republicans may be on the horns of dilema to support the  strong measure
against their own President.If they do not support  it will send a ckear
nessage that they are supporting the conspiracy of seize of Capitol  Hill
and all the subsequent  acts that followed. Hence the emphaty of
Republicans  will be exposed as mere lip service
Even if half the country has voted  for Republicans  and not Trump there
will saner ekements amongst  the multitudes who will weigh the new
circumstances of chaos, seize ,tresspass abd vandalism,  disrespect  to
National pride and exposing values that America stands for globally
It will also show that he is the only President impeached twice during
tenure of one term in office Action must only seem to be done  but must be

Nekson Lopes  Chinchinim

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