By Eduardo Faleiro

We commemorate this year the twentyfifth death anniversary of an illustrious 
son of Goa, Dr. Alvaro de Loyola Furtado. He passed away on August 21, 1982. 
Dr. Loyola Furtado was a leader of the United Goans Party and a senior member 
of the first Legislative Assembly of Goa Daman and Diu. He was an outstanding 
parliamentarian. His learned interventions and impeccable dignity and decorum 
are recalled to this day. 

I met him barely two months before his demise. He had then spoken to me on the 
need to introduce some amendments to certain pieces of Central legislation 
which, he felt, were defectively drafted and I had to admit that there was 
much substance in his studied arguments. He asked me to take up the matter in 
Parliament. This was typical of the man. His concern was the concerns of the 
people. Not once, in the decade and half of our acquaintance, did I ever find 
him seeking personal advancement. His integrity and total involvement in the 
welfare of the community could never be questioned. He was the epithome of the 
gentleman – politician. 

Dr. Loyola Furtado left behind a plethora of scholarly writtings. His two 
major publications relate to issues that continue to besiege us. In " O 
Direito na Propriedade Rustica das Comunidades Aldeanas" he dealt with the 
status and problems of our Comunidades. The Report of the Goa Land Reforms 
Commission (1963) states that some centuries ago, long before Goa came 
successively under the domination of Hindu, Muslim and Portuguese rule, a 
large number of families from across the Western Ghats abandoned their 
original homesteads on account of war, epidemic or famine and settled in Goa. 
They formed themselves into cooperative associations governed by heads of 
family who were known as gaunkars. These gaunkars reclaimed and brought under 
cultivation marshy and other village waste lands. The foundation of the 
Comunidade (or gaunkari, its original name) is based on collective ownership 
of land by a group of villagers. From the total produce a certain portion was 
earmarked for village welfare. The Government share in the produce was kept 
aside. The balance was distributed among the members as dividend ("jono" in 

Over a period of time, the Comunidades lost their original characteristics and 
declined into mere societies of rights holders (gaunkars) who are members only 
by accident of birth. The non-gaunkars who came subsequently and also 
contributed to the development of the village have no say in the Comunidade. 
The "jono" is paid to the descendants of the gaunkar even when they no longer 
reside in the village, are not concerned with the working of the Comunidade, 
nor render any service to it or to the village. It is estimated that at 
present over fifty percent gaunkars reside outside the jurisdiction of the 
Comunidade from which they take "jono". Furthermore, the right of membership 
does not extend to the women in the family. The Comunidades have ceased to be 
collective farming societies. The village development activities once the 
preserve of gaunkaris, are now entrusted to the gram panchayat. 

The opinion as to how our Communidades should be reformed differs. Dr. Alvaro 
de Loyola Furtado wanted the autonomy of the Communidades to be fully restored 
and that Government should cease to interfere in their administration. Dr. H. 
D. Halarnakar, who has done extensive research on the subject, recommends that 
the Comunidades should be reorganized as agricultural cooperative societies. 
Whilst experts might differ as to the solution, there is agreement as to the 
need to review the Comunidades system so that they may truly fulfill the 
objectives that justify their existence.

In "Os primordios do jornalism em Goa e no resto da India", Dr. Loyola Furtado 
recalls the saga of the Konkani language. The offensive of the maratha troops 
led by Sambhaji on Santo Estevao, Salcete and Bardez almost put an end to the 
Portuguese rule in Goa. But for the sudden arrival of the mogul army which 
attacked the maratha territories elsewhere and impelled Sambhaji to return and 
abandon Goa, the history of this land would have been quite different, says 
Dr. Loyola Furtado.

To prevent further challenge to the Portuguese "Estado da India", the Viceroy 
D. Francisco de Tavora, conceived a two pronged strategy - transfer the 
capital to Marmagoa and lusitanise Goa completely, suppressing the local 
languages so that a linguistic barrier was created to separate Goa from the 
rest of India. In this frame of mind the Viceroy issued the decree (alvara) of 
June 27, 1684. The purpose of the decree was to eliminate the local languages 
from Goa and to replace them with Portuguese. The decree required that within 
three years Goans should abandon the use of local languages and take to the 
use of Portuguese. The decree was ratified by a royal decree dated March 17, 
1687. The statement of its objects and reasons reads, "for reasons of 
political expediency including the preservation of Portuguese India, the 
decree (of the Viceroy) is approved".

Eminent Portuguese orientalist Cunha Rivara asserts that the religious order 
of the Franciscans had suggested the ban of the local languages. Jesuit 
historian Delio de Mendonca in his erudite book "Conversions and Citizenry" 
remarks that "the missionaries are often held responsible for the decadence of 
Konkani in the sixteenth century…..The knowledge of the local language had 
became necessary to assume ecclesiastical posts, such as those of the parish 
priest during the last quarter of the seventeenth century. This exigency 
proved to be too serious an obstacle to the ambitious plans of the 
missionaries who, for too long, had assumed the reins of power without the 
knowledge of the local language. The missionary solution to this new and 
unpleasant situation was nothing short of demanding the suppression of the 
local languages. Then, in 1684, a decree issued by the Viceroy D. Francisco de 
Tavora, and soon after ratified by a royal decree suppressed Konkani in Goa 
and the local languages in other territories under Portuguese control. Later, 
some blamed only the Franciscans for the decree on suppression of local 
languages. This accusation, however, is questionable since the reading of 
events and context appears to be vitiated. But going by facts, all the 
religious orders seemed to have profited from this obnoxious decree".

The error of the Catholic Church in foisting an alien culture on the peoples 
of Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas is sought to be atoned in our time. 
Several Asian Episcopal Conferences have decried the foreigness of 
Christianity and urged a systematic inculturation of the Christian faith in 
all its aspects, from worship to theology, to priestly formation. The Catholic 
Bishops Conference of India seeks to find ways and means "so that the Church 
becomes truly Indian and Asian". At the Asian Synod of 1998 some participating 
bishops asserted that "the Asian bishops are not branch secretaries waiting 
for instructions of the Vatican. We are a communion of the local churches". 

Shortly after the Asian Synod, Joseph Ratzinger suggested as "the task for the 
future," the decentralization of the power of the papacy and of the Roman 
curia so that the Asian Churches discover their own identity. In this 
scenario, it is surprising that in Goa, even in our villages with hundred 
percent Konkani speaking population, there are masses and other religious 
services in English.

At the time of his death, Dr. Loyola Furtado was working on a treatise on 
the "Loyola Revolt" of September 21, 1890. On that fateful day, thirteen 
supporters of the "Partido Indiano" were killed by the Police forces of the 
then Government. The celebrated Jose Inacio de Loiola, the founder of 
the "Partido Indiano" and many others sought exile in India outside Goa. 

Dr. Alvaro de Loyola Furtado is no more. Yet, his memory lives and should 
endure to light up the path of the generations ahead. (ENDS)

(The writer is a former Union Minister. He is presently Commissioner for NRI 
Affairs with a cabinet minister rank in the Government of Goa.)

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