In trivial pursuit of late night football
I would rather dye into my bed, than visit the WC
By Cecil Pinto

A good play on words, very popular these days, is with the initials WC. 
"The WC takes up all my time!", could mean anything from a fascination with 
World Cup football, to an anal fixation. Very few folks I asked though knew 
that WC was short-form for 'water closet', similar to the French usage 
'cabinet de toilette', much as 'powder-room' may be coyly used today. A 
toilet by any name smells the same but yet humanity has used so many words 
to disguise this fact - john, lavatory, can, privy, loo. In fact that last, 
chiefly British term loo, has fascinating origins. One theory is that it 
derives from a corruption of the French phrase gardez l'eau loosely 
translated as "watch out for the water!" The phrase served as a warning to 
passers-by when chamber pots were emptied from a window onto the street. A 
much more plausible theory comes from nautical terminology; loo being an 
old fashioned word for lee. The standard nautical pronunciation (in British 
English) of leeward is looward or lieuward. Early ships were not fitted 
with toilets but the crew would urinate over the side of the vessel. 
However it was important to use the leeward side. Using the windward side 
would result in the urine blown back on board. The phrases 'pissing into 
the wind' and 'spitting into the wind' mean the same thing.

With such a disgusting start to a column I can't do much worse. Lets see 
what we can learn about World Cup football, that has not been done to death 
by the newsmagazines already. Take the Offside Rule. Nobody, yes not a 
single dedicated World Cup match watcher I asked, could clearly define the 
offside rule to me. Quite simply the offside position is determined if a 
player is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball, and the second 
to last opposing player. Simple? Now you place yourself in the position of 
the Assistant Referee who has to keep the definition of Offset Position in 
mind while simultaneously measuring distances between a moving ball and 
players, and also keeping his eyes open for a hundred and one other 
offenses. It is no wonder then that most Assistant Referees become stark 
raving alcoholics!

A regular phenomenon at major sport events, that I've not seen much of in 
this World Cup, is the Mexican Wave, or La Ola, which is an effect formed 
when crowds in stadia (which is a fancy word for stadiums!) rise up and 
down from their seats in succession. This effect was given that name when 
the phenomenon first came to a global audience during the football World 
Cup held in Mexico in 1986, exactly twenty years back. It had originated 
though somewhat earlier, in US colleges during baseball and American 
football games. What is not widely known is that the Mexican Wave has been 
thoroughly analysed and studied by mathematicians and physicists. In 
physics terminology, the Mexican wave is an example of a transverse wave: 
the spectators move only vertically (standing up and then sitting down 
again) but the wave travels horizontally around the stadium. They found 
that three out of every four waves travel clockwise around the stadium 
(partly because the majority of people are right-handed) and that they 
typically move about 12 meters (20 seats) per second. Interestingly, it 
requires only 30 or so fans standing up simultaneously to start the ripple 
effect leading to a full fledged wave. In fact if you are Internet savvy 
just log on to and click on Interactive 
Simulations. You can simulate your own Mexican Waves in a virtual stadium 
and see exactly how fast and how long they will travel. Change individual 
parameters and see the effects immediately. Far more intellectually 
stimulating than watching those clowns commenting on ESPN. If they know so 
much how come they're not hired as coaches and managers?

Now for the truly adventurous. Make a Mexican Wave with your eyebrows. Try 
it - now. Start by arching the left end of the left eyebrow and move 
centrally across the bridge of your nose and forehead. Try not to wrinkle 
your forehead too much. Who said you had to move your eyeballs? Why all 
that grimacing with the mouth for heaven's sake? And why are your nostrils 
blowing out like a dragon? Just the eyebrows have to move. Ok, try it one 
more time. Now casually look around and try to explain to all the people 
staring at you exactly what you were attempting to do. Ha! Gotcha!

Back to World Cup trivia. The only person to have played both World Cup 
football and World Cup cricket is Viv Richards - Antigua for football and 
West Indies for cricket. Telstar provided by Adidas was the official match 
ball of 1970 FIFA World Cup. It was painted with black and white panels so 
it was more visible on black-and-white television, and hence its name which 
is short for 'television star'. It was the first World Cup ball to use the 
Buckminsterfullerene C60 design consisting of 12 black pentagonal and 20 
white hexagonal panels, which since became the quintessential design of a 
soccer football.

As far as mascots go between 1966 and 2006 there have been two lions, one 
cockerel, one dog, four little boys, one orange, one chillipepper, three 
aliens, a cube-puzzle type thing and a talking football. Goleo, the current 
mascot, is a portmanteau of the words "goal" and "leo", the Latin word for 
lion. In Germany, "Pille" is a colloquial term for a soccer ball or 
football. Everyone knows that die is the singular of dice, but how many 
know that 'dye' is Konkani for 'dive'? Goalies don't dive in Goa - they 
dye. "What a dye!", has no connection with colour.

Ha! And they said I couldn't write an informative column about World Cup 
football. Give me an Internet connection and I can write about anything. 
Next week maybe I can try my hand at nuclear physics!

The humour column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 6th July 2006.

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