Independence day blues

Another year  to usher and kindle  a ray of hope in the 70 th year  of
Independence .Festivities, celebrations ,speeches, promises will mark the
occasion all over India. Flag  hoisting ,salutes, reciting of National
anthem in all educational Institutions, Govt Establishments will mark the
traditions and  annual rituals.. The red fort will come alive thundering.
assuring the impossible dreams. It is  one day in the year that is supposed
to display our Nationalism, patriotism and unconditional support to the
Nation .Indians all  over the world also celebrate the day with patriotic
fervour.. Indians when outside the country express more solidarity more as
security of group consolidation and  protection as an entity. It requires
wars with neighbours and confrontation to revive our sagging sense of
patriotism and galvanise it too

 70 years in the life of the Nation can be called as period of infancy.
Many Nations have taken years to take off, while others who attained
Independence with us have scored much better on development index. We are
still vertically divided with political and party ideologies, languages,
religion, caste, borders , region, food habits, dress and attire  etc. We
are fighting over river water sharing  disputes unresolved on, boundaries
and discrimination's in  distribution of  National wealth. The Independence
 is it freedom from ignorance, poverty, illiteracy and basic requirement of
food, shelter, clothing is a far cry. Illiteracy is the biggest hurdle in
progress along with health care .safe  drinking water, but our priorities
are lop sided and compulsory primary education within 10 years has passed
many time lines. True that the development is invisible due to multitude of
exploding population that is clamouring for a pie of  scarce resources.
Unequal wealth distribution and islands of rich and development in urban
areas, neglect  of rural settings have tilted the scales of priorities. The
huge resources  earmarked  for  defence can affect social development .The
main stay in India is the agricultural sector, which is unplanned
,neglected, as the result villagers are migrating to urban areas
accentuating, putting pressures on all parameters of human dignified living
and survival.

Indians are united against the  external enemies, but within inside the
country, across all states the federal structure has developed serious
fault lines of instability. The states are seeking supremacy over each
other and state needs are predominant over national causes. The extreme
attitude of Parochialism is gnawing at the federal stability.

The pseudo Nationalism/patriotism forced on by political ,short sighted
parties is creating revulsion and further divide among minorities and have
resurrected a new deadly virus of majority v/s minorities. This has caused
unprecedented boil in social environment of mistrust, fear and threats and
visible physical harm

The guiding Constitutional document for the people of the Republic to
coexist in peace and harmony must return to enshrined principles of
equality, fraternity, freedom, liberty. Criticism in a democracy is vital
for its development, a watch dog, freedom to eat, dress,  reside, work
anywhere in the union, expression cannot be limited by laws propagated by
one ideology of any ruling party. Killings in the name of cow
protectionism, vigilantism by fringe groups cannot have precedence over
life. Social evils like child marriages, rapes,, corruption, Nepotism,
women safety and  exploitations are root evils needing urgent eradication
The dilution of  committed executive, judiciary, police, intelligence and
CBI , ED bodes ill for survival of democracy. The wiping out of all
legitimate dissent and opposition across the length and breadth of the
country will lead to fascism and change the basic nature of the foundation
of the country, specially Democracy, about which we gloat and bost publicly

It is not  thefact now ,that any individual, party  is supreme,
indispensable but country must be placed on the pedestal, ensuring rule of
law and adherence to the Constitution only

 Welfare measures are in place to placate the minorities, poor,
underprivileged, marginalized in a half hearted manner to boost the winning
vote of allegiance, but not to ameliorate the woes of the neglected on a
permanent footing. The poor are sucked  into the quagmire of  the sinking
sands of needs and necessities of basic life. Hence what does Independence
means to the vast majority of Indians, who will be shamelessly exploited
even on this day ..Those without, food, shelter, clothing have no meaning,
inspirations for celebrations of Independence day. It is just another day
of drudgery waiting in desperate hope of upliftment, seeking the silver
lining in the dark dreary clouds of uncertainty
The hope of another day of Independence. As for the elite and ruling class
it will be another golden oportunity for vexing eloquent, displaying
bravado, selling more distant dreams and utter silence of unfullfilled,
forgotten  promises of yesteryears A day to enjoy and party to be seen and
heard with a gullible, captive  audience a. who will return to the normal
routine  with hopes in their hearts for a better future for all
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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