Much controversy this week, after an odd, and conspicuously dubious
*Newsweek* report claimed “another brutal purge is coming” in Beijing,
because the “People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has unexpectedly flopped” in
its Himalayan standoff with India.

Gordon Chang wrote “Xi Jinping, already roiling the Communist Party with a
"rectification" campaign and mass persecution of foes, has risked his
future with recent high-profile incursions into Indian-controlled

About the first mortal combat between the two countries in almost fifty
years, where India has admitted losing 20 soldiers, Chang says, “China is
thought to have suffered at least 43 deaths [but] the number of Chinese
killed could exceed 60. Indian troops fought back ferociously. Beijing
won't admit the extent of the debacle.”

That pitched night-time battle on June 15 has been followed by jockeying
for territory on both sides. This rattled China, says Chang, since “Beijing
is accustomed to getting its way in disputed territory, especially because
Indian leaders and soldiers, "psychologically paralyzed" by their loss in
the 1962 border war with China, played only defense.”

But 2020 is different, “for the first time in a half-century, India carried
out an offensive against China, taking back high ground the Chinese
recently grabbed…subsequent efforts to counter the Indian moves proved
ineffective. At least for the moment, India's troops, in the southernmost
of the three areas of conflict, are in control of territory once in Chinese

Here, of course, one must consider the sources. *Newsweek* is no longer any
kind of publication of repute. And Gordon Chang is an American
neoconservative who has staked his career on predicting “*The Coming
Collapse of China*”, which is the actual title of his 2001 book.

There’s no doubt his needling does irritate the leadership of the nation of
his (paternal) ancestors, however, because the entertaining – often
downright hilarious – Chinese government’s English-language propaganda
mouthpiece *Global Times *constantly attacks Chang.

In May this year, for just one example, it called him “the doomsayer” with
“preconceived biased notions” who only tries “to make a sensation of
himself. Everyone knows he is far from a serious and respected scholar.”

There’s also the question of Chang’s own source for his claims, Cleo Paskal
of the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).

Ms. Paskal is a journalist, whose Wikipedia listing says she “specializes
in the confluence of the "three geos" (the geopolitical, geoeconomic, and
geophysical)”, and the FDD – where she’s a Fellow - describes itself on its
own home page as a “nonpartisan 501(c)(3) research institute focusing on
national security and foreign policy.”

But there’s every indication the FDD is anything but “nonpartisan.”

In an extensive report, *The Nation *(another American weekly) wrote that
it is “funded by prominent American billionaires [and] has relentlessly
pushed for a recklessly militaristic US policy against Iran and in the
Middle East…That tax-exempt neoconservative outfits like the FDD continue
to exercise outsized influence on US foreign policy is a scandal.”

More damning still, Ned Price, former special assistant to President Obama
on national security, told the *Responsible Statecraft* blog that FDD “has
put forward some of the most extreme and dangerous pro-regime change
policies [and has also] planted one of its employees within the inner
sanctum of administration policy making. It’s the type of corruption and
conflict of interest that can spell the loss of life and even the march to

Why is an extremely hawkish, pro-Israel, dedicatedly anti-Iran, largely
Middle East-focused American think-tank getting itself involved in the
Ladakh border issue, and what compelled *Newsweek* to carry this story at
this time? Is this all just pure misinformation?

To get his perspective, I turned to the straight-shooting Bharat Karnad,
who is often described as “India’s foremost national security hawk” and
constantly returns to focus on the India-China conflict in his highly
engaging *Security Wise* blog (* <>*

Karnad told me, “I know Gordon Chang and consider him a good source on
China. 16 Bihar Regiment did inflict casualties. It is this violent
reaction that the PLA and Beijing did not anticipate nor prepared for, and
led, it is said, to some trouble with families of the dead. This is
reflected in the Chinese social media. So it is a failure only from the
point of view of Beijing being unable to contain the small swell of social

What’s the bottom line?

Karnad says, “if past is prelude, then the Indian government and armed
services  will remain clueless about China's intentions and, because
complacency will once again set in, the intelligence apparatus will repeat
its by-now customary failure, the country will  again be surprised, and
military preparations will be non-existent other than for bare-bones kind
of armed response. The minimum necessary capability to fight the PLA on the
Tibetan Plateau -- two additional offensive mountain corps for a total of
three such corps -- will be absent.”

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