Chandrayan 3  a 15 day wonder
There is absolute no need to gloat over  about  success in comparison.No
nation like USA China has ever considered their achievements in comparison
with other Nation feats.Our Chadryan  has still to wake up from celestial
deep slumber, where as Chinese  probe sleeps and wakes up  cyclically and
is active   since 2019 that is a long period and scientific achievement.
USA has manned   moon missions  umpteen times with  cache of moon rocks
.Russia was the first to land a probe on moon and retrieve rocks  Let our
achievement be modest in comparison instead of boasting from roof tops
.Whatever be the achievement late in the day let us be genuinely be proud
and  content rather than belittling others achievements  and calling
ourselves as great in comparison  Political brinkmamship and science are on
a different footing..Pioneer has travelled into interstellar space and
still in communication.Dust has been collected from asteroid and retrieved
after 7 years of journey. Probes are dropped on moons,   Venus  Mercury
and Parker probe is exploring Sun .Giant Telescopes are giving a peep of
never seen space .Potos of other planets including Pluto  their moons  etc
are better understood and known  But where is the hype and hoopla  by
politicians and Nations  India does not have even a helicopter  or  for
civilians or army.

Nelson Lopes

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