Indian Ambassador attends first Goan Function in Kuwait

Prince Jacob's drama 'Zaiat Zage' was more than what one could expect from a
seasoned, professional showman of the Konkani stage.

The drama has more in it than just entertain-ment. The message is a hard-hitting
clarion call to all Goans to wake up and unite, or perish. The tale enacted with
plenty of humor is presented in fluent style and is a real treat for the 
This tongue-in-cheek drama looks at how people from other states flock down to 
beautiful state of Goa and set up their businesses there and how Goans grow to
become dependent on them.

The well attended show staged on 13th November 2009 at the Daiya Fencing Club 
Kuwait, was organized by Kala Mogui Kuwait to celebrate the 7th anniversary of 
existence in Kuwait. Dominic Araujo and Felix Fernandes were the main 
of the event.

H.E. Shri Ajai Malhotra, Ambassador of India was the chief guest on the 
the first Goan event that His Excellency has attended in Kuwait and 
surprisingly his
first ever Konkani drama which he took pleasure in watching for over 2 hours 
the half time.

Alban Pinto was the guest of honor. Other special invitees included Muriel 
President - IWA, Fr. Teo Fernandes, Fr. Frank,

Fr. Lionel Braganza, Fr. Melwyn D'cunha and Joseph & Elvira D'Souza.

The evening began with the lighting of the traditional lamp at the hands of the
ambassador and other dignitaries present. Anjali Amonkar of Kala Mogui Kuwait
compered the function.

(As published on Page 3 in THE TIMES - Kuwait's Premiere Weekly Newspaper/Nov. 

Photos by Rewon Gomes, courtesy: Kala Mogui Kuwait.

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