
Editors, Bureau Chiefs, Staff Reporters & Admins of Blogs n Distribution Lists.

Sub: For kind favour of Publication


The Goa Su-Raj Party is, in deed, very happy to note from the section of the press that the Manohar Parrikar Government is serious about revamping the INDUSTRIAL POLICY of GOA which to put it lightly, is in doldrums. That the focus of this new policy will be to promote 'Non-polluting Industries', put more stress on 'Service Industries' , 'Employment Generation', IT-Related Industries' 'Fast Tracking Procedures' and 'Up-Gradation of basic Infrastructures' fully welcomed as the way to go. Needless to say that this Party's happiness exudes from the facts that: (1) All the above points are dear to this Party's HEART as these have been explicitly identified and expanded in the Party's Road Map for Goa, a document which is the Party's permanent manifesto, and (2) That successive Governments' are in deed using this document to be guided in shaping vital future policies for GOA so that it can become self-sufficient in it's growth, not overly dependent on the rest of the country for it's manpower.

To go one step further, the 'FAST TRACKING PROCEDURES' hinted above is the 'SINGLE WINDOW CLEARANCE' for Industries in Goa as explained in the above mentioned Road Map for Goa where Industrialists and Entrepreneurs will not need to meet with CMs and Industries Ministers to cut deals etc as explained hereunder:-

1.      Single Window Clearance:
Introduction of a 'Single Window Clearance' system shall be the aim of this Party whereby an entrepreneur shall not be required to run from 'pillar to post' to get the required clearances, including environmental clearances and N.O.Cs from various self-governing bodies and institutions. The entrepreneur shall not be required to meet with the industries minister or the chief minister for setting up of any industry. All departments dealing with the issuance of clearances etc. shall be streamlined to work according to time limits and shall be held accountable for delays. The jurisdiction to sanction industries in Panchayat/Municipal areas shall be clearly defined. Industrial training for manpower/labour requirements prior to the setting up of any industry requiring specialized work-force shall be made mandatory to generate local employment. Certain sensitive industries, if any, that may require local partners shall be identified. Industries that are welcomed in Goa shall be listed in the 'Department of Industries' brochure along with Government subsidies, if any, and other facilities such as local/central tax holidays etc including a full and complete guidance to the entrepreneur of the procedural requirements of the State Government as well as those of the Central Government, including the entrepreneur's IEM Registration (Industrial Entrepreneur's Memorandum) with the Industries Ministry, New Delhi. The Industry's application folder shall be designed to contain everything in the way of forms to be filled-in, detailing land, financial, power, water etc. requirements even to the extent of declaration of wastes and by-products, effluents generated, their treatment & disposal, so that the entrepreneur as well as the Industries Department is totally and fully guided and informed. Engagement of a minimum of eighty percent [80%] of the local workforce shall be made mandatory in the interest of generating employment to the locals and maintaining the demographic balance.
for Goa Su-Raj Party
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary & Spokesperson
383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403507
Telefax: 91 832 2470 223
Mobile: 9890470896 - 9422060347

Goa Su-Raj Party strongly believes that Parliamentary Elections must be contested by National Parties only AND/OR by a Federation of State Regional Parties. with a reciprocating understanding by the National Parties that the 'State Elections' shall be the prerogative of State Registered Political Parties only. Even then, and in the absence of such a ruling by the Election Commission of India, GSRP would want GOANS who are ERUDITE, knowledgeable about India and its problems, as well as World affairs, 'STATESMEN/WOMEN' , to contest on it's 'TICKET' in the coming 2014 Parliamentary Elections. Let GOA endeavour to send two real Parliamentarians to the House of the People in New Delhi for once.

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